Abba, Father, we approach Thee

B43 C37 E43 F220 K37 LSM10 P30 R35 S28 T43
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“Abba, Father,” we approach Thee
  In our Savior’s precious name.
We, Thy children, here assembling,
  Now the promised blessing claim.
From our guilt His blood has washed us,
  ’Tis through Him our souls draw nigh,
And Thy Spirit too has taught us
  “Abba, Father,” thus to cry.
Once as prodigals we wandered,
  In our folly, far from Thee;
But Thy grace, o’er sin abounding,
  Rescued us from misery.
Clothed in garments of salvation
  At Thy table is our place;
We rejoice, and Thou rejoicest,
  In the riches of Thy grace.
Thou the prodigal hast pardoned,
  “Kissed us” with a Father’s love;
“Killed the fatted calf,” and made us
  Fit Thy purpose to approve.
“It is meet,” we hear Thee saying,
  “We should merry be and glad;
I have found My once-lost children,
  Now they live who once were dead.”
“Abba, Father,” we adore Thee,
  While the hosts in heaven above
E’en in us now learn the wonders
  Of Thy wisdom, grace, and love.
Soon before Thy throne assembled,
  All Thy children shall proclaim
Abba’s love shown in redemption,
  And how full is Abba’s name!
Michael Johnson

Milpitas, CA, United States

Enjoyed the Father while blending in Milpitas!

Beverly Chapman

Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Even in us now learn the wonders

Of Thy wisdom, grace & love....

David Miller

Washington, DC, United States

Enjoyed at the Lord's Table of the Church in Washington, DC 10/2/16, praise You Abba Father!

El Paso

El Paso, TX, United States

Enjoyed by the saints in El Paso, TX!!


Weston Smith

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States

I looked up this hymn as I reminisced on the sweet communion service we had growing up in Jamaica.... Wonderful time of worship.


Santa Cruz De La Sierra

Enjoyed by the saints in a joint Lord's Day Meeting :)


Fort Worth, Texas, United States

Enjoyed by the saints in Fort Worth, Texas! 12/20/15.

David Amancio

Manhattan, New York, United States

Enjoyed by the church in Manhattan 9/20/15

Eunice Garcia

Queens, NY

Enjoyed at the Lord's table meeting

8/23/15 New York Queens district

"Once as prodigals we wandered,

  In our folly, far from Thee;

But Thy grace, o’er sin abounding,

  Rescued us from misery."

We love You, Abba Father!

Aida Diaz

Riverside, CA, United States

Enjoyed by the church in Riverside!!

Piano Hymns