We praise Thee for Thy righteousness

B21 C16 CB21 E21 G21 K16 P18 R17 S14 T21
We praise Thee for Thy righteousness;
Thy justice, Father, we confess,
    And fully testify.
Thou art the judge of all mankind,
In Thee injustice none can find,
    Nor wrong to Thee apply.
O holy Father, righteous One,
Thy righteousness upholds Thy throne,
    ’Tis a foundation sure.
’Tis through this righteousness of Thine
That reigns in Christ the grace divine,
    And peace we thus secure.
Thy righteousness has caused Thy Son
To die for us that we be won,
    Redemption thus was bought;
Thy righteousness has justified
When Christ’s redemption was applied,
    Salvation thus was wrought.
That Thou might show Thy righteousness,
With Thy forgiveness Thou didst bless
    Men in the ancient age;
For Thee Thy righteousness to show,
Remission Thou dost now bestow
    On sinners in this age.
All people Thou wilt judge one day,
Thy righteousness to all display
    By Christ, Thy Son, our Lord;
Yet fast we’ll stand, for none can move,
Thy righteousness we’ll ever prove,
    With grace Thou wilt afford.
With justice is Thy kingdom filled,
And peace upon it Thou dost build
    With all in harmony;
In the new heaven and new earth
Thy righteousness will be their worth,
    As promised, God, by Thee.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Maria L

Fremont, California, United States

We need to be solemnly warned concerning the Lord’s coming and have the living that He requires in order for us to gain the reward, the crown of righteousness, at His return.

Lord, may we be those who will receive the incorruptible crown at the end of our triumphant Christian race!

Elmer D. Borres

Sauyo, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines

A poetic hymn that beautifully praises God's righteousness and justice. The verses convey a deep sense of gratitude for the foundation of His throne and the assurance of redemption through Christ. The hymn eloquently captures the unfolding of salvation and the eventual display of God's righteousness to all.

Alberto Cual

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

O holy Father, righteous One,

Glory Jung

Anaheim, CA, United States

He is the righteous God.

Ben Kayekjian

Lubbock, Texas, United States

Thank the Lord for His righteousness. Through it we can be assured of our salvation! Praise the Lord for his government!

Vsevolod Kazakov

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Отец, за праведноть твою

Мы воздаем тебе хвалу,

Свидетельство неся:

Ты совершенно справедлив,

Лишь ты судьей достоин быть

Для человечества.

Doris Leichtamer

Riverside, CA, United States

Not only did the Lord Jesus live a life that was a model for us, but also lived a life absolutely under God's government and I praise Him for His righteous judgment on those He called. Praise the Lord.

Piano Hymns