搜索 408
E45 Abba, Father! we adore Thee 經典詩歌
E43 Abba, Father, we approach Thee 經典詩歌
E444 All for Jesus! All for Jesus 經典詩歌
E8338 All for Jesus! All for Jesus (revised) 經典詩歌
E570 All my doubts I give to Jesus 經典詩歌
E1281 All the meetings Christ appointed 經典詩歌
E1281a All the meetings Christ appointed (Alternate Tune) 經典詩歌
E701 All the way my Savior leads me 經典詩歌
E676 All thy griefs by Him are ordered 經典詩歌
E641 Art thou hung'ring for the fulness 經典詩歌
E889 By the blood of Christ the Victor 經典詩歌
NS895 Christ in me the law of life is 新歌
E272 Christ indeed was born of Spirit 經典詩歌
E118 Christ is risen! Hallelujah 經典詩歌
E912 Christ to minister is service 經典詩歌
E1161 Christ will make His seeking lover 經典詩歌
E825 Church of God, beloved and chosen 經典詩歌
E319 Come, Thou Fount of every blessing 經典詩歌
E8250 Come, Thou Fount of every blessing (revised) 經典詩歌
E1332 Do you know that you were chosen 經典詩歌
E963 Face to face with Christ, my Savior 經典詩歌
E885 Fight the battle in the Body 經典詩歌
E914 For the Church should be our service 經典詩歌
E840 Freed from self and Adam's nature 經典詩歌
E1201 From the north where God is dwelling 經典詩歌