Recherche 964
E1244 Behold how good a thing Classique
E129 Behold the Lamb with glory crowned Classique
NS841 Blessed is the man whose strength is in You Nouveaux  ;Chants
Blessed to Give Enfants
E842 Breathe Thou, O Lord, on me Classique
NS983 But as Many as Received Him (John 1:10-13) Nouveaux  ;Chants
E1318 Camel Train Classique
E8256 Christ Jesus makes my heart rejoice Classique
E1029 Christ calling yet! shall I not hear Classique
NS984 Christ is everything in God's economy Nouveaux  ;Chants
E118 Christ is risen! Hallelujah Classique
NS773 Christ the Preeminent Nouveaux  ;Chants
E912 Christ to minister is service Classique
E1161 Christ will make His seeking lover Classique
E366 Christ, whose glory fills the skies Classique
E8734 Cleansed from sin and stain, flesh cast off in full Classique
E1031 Come, every soul by sin oppressed Classique
E8717 Come, every soul by sin oppressed (revised) Classique
Conscience, You Are My Good Friend Enfants
NS51 Create in me a clean heart, O God Nouveaux  ;Chants
NS682 Create in me a pure heart, O God Nouveaux  ;Chants
E616 Day is dying in the west Classique
E8411 Day is dying in the west (revised) Classique
E188 Dear Lord, Thou art the Son of God Classique
E417 Deep in me, Lord, mark Thou Thy holy Cross Classique