Christ will make His seeking lover

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Christ will make His seeking lover
  Pillar, couch, and palanquin,
E’en a crown, His boast and glory;
  He will do it all! Amen!
His beloved—how He loves her,
  So attractive, His delight.
He is captivated wholly;
    She is comely in His sight.
But there still remains a shadow;
  Christ is still not satisfied.
He must have a growing garden
  To become His loving Bride!
Paradise of pomegranates,
  Pleasant fruits, and henna flowers,
Spikenard, saffron, myrrh, and aloes:
  His enjoyment now—not ours.
He has come into His garden,
  Gathered myrrh and spices there,
Eaten honeycomb and honey;
  Wine and milk He’ll drink fore’er.
From the garden comes the city,
  All materials thus supplied;
God is satisfied completely,
  And the foe is terrified.
“Thou art fair, my love, as Tirzah,
  Comely as Jerusalem.”
O Lord Jesus, Hallelujah,
  Thou wilt do it all! Amen!

Christ will make His seeking lover

Pillar, couch, and palanquin,

E’en a crown, His boast and glory;

He will do it all! Amen!

Maurice Ward

Columbus, Ohio, United States

It touches me deeply that the Lord considers as a garden. In Genesis we see that God placed man in a garden. A garden has no defensive structures. No walls or barriers. On one hand this shows that God wants us to be completely open to Him so that He may come in freely to work on us. On the other hand this shows that God is our defense. The matter of the city with built structures came in after the fall under man's own construction. Praise the Lord that He has not done away completely with this but He is redeeming us in such a way that we will become His city! The New Jerusalem. We will be transformed to fight and defend against the enemy!

Steve Miller

Detroit, Michigan, United States

I would change the last line of stanza 3 to:

His enjoyment now - and ours.

Amos Kimani

Naivasha, Nakuru, Kenya

Christ want to make the Church pillar, couch, palanquin, His boast and all positive things. We must be willing to be cultivated by God to achieve this objective.

Amos Kimani

Naivasha, Nakuru, Kenya

Just like in Judges 8-10, we are trees meant to produce fruits for the enjoyment of God and men. But Christ is not yet satisfied because we are not yet fully for Him. Therefore, brethren let strive to satisfy Christ by making sure we are not distracted by worldly chores. Remembering we must be pressed to produce wine to cheer up The Lord and Church.

Sarah Anne

Ochtrup, Munster, Germany

This was going repeat in my head since yesterday; the tune ; and wanted to come online to find. And as I was singing my favorite: Lord Jesus I love You by Higashi, I saw one of my other favorites: because I love my Saviour so.

I love to sing these hymns, so lovely. I enjoy His presence.

Hallelujah!!! Thank you again and again. God bless and keep you all close to His breast. You give so much pleasure and comfort to everyone.

Amos Kimani

Naivasha, Nakuru, Kenya

Our Lord love is waiting for us, He want to make us His bride. Let us give Him room for His love and make us land.

Joanna L Smathers

Baton Rouge, LA, United States

Lord grow in our gardens what we have enjoyed of You for Your enjoyment and those around us. Ps. 110:7, 3. From a garden to a city-army for Your dwelling and defeat of Your enemy and ours.

Frank Pytel

Chicago, Illinois, United States

The love of my Beloved is changing me to be what is satisfying to Him! As the two were going away down the road of Emmaus, the love of the veiled Beloved burned in their hearts to change their direction, attitude, even discouragement into joy. May I say "Amen" to every kiss of His mouth until "as He is, so am I in this world" (1 John 4:17b).