Since Christ my soul from sin set free

C256 CB348 E348 K256 P181 R256 S165 T348
Since Christ my soul from sin set free,
This life has been a joy to me;
And 'mid earth's sorrows and its woe,
'Tis joy my Jesus here to know.
O hallelujah, yes, 'tis joy!
For it is Christ that I enjoy!
On land or sea, what matters where?
  Where Jesus is, my joy is there.
The earth was once a bitter place
Till Jesus showed His smiling face;
Now joy's begun within my soul,
'Twill last while endless ages roll.
What matters where on earth we dwell?
On mountain top, or in the dell,
In cottage, or a mansion fair,
Where Jesus is, my joy is there.

South Korea

What is right? I don't know. Life, being, worth etc. is God's. Jesus is Christ.


Iligan City

Jesus is all that really matters! Wherever we are, what ever situation we are in, as long as we enjoy the Lord, we will never be sorrowful. He is our joy Himself! Hallelujah.


Chongqing - China, Cape Verde

Problems are not problems, success are not success but all steps to God fulfill His Plan of World Evangelism. Know the mystery of Christ this is all.

Rita Amanya

Kampala, Uganda

Lord Jesus I love You! Where Jesus is my joy is there! It doesnt matter where we dwell, where we are, what we go thru, let us care for Jesus! Remain one spirit with Him, reminding ourselves-Lord Jesus it is You I love. This song encourages me, good situation, good dwelling, bad situation, bad dwelling, where Jesus is, our joy should be there!

Grace Chiu

Irvine, California, United States

Do you want joy?

"Tis joy my Jesus here to know"

The Lord's presence is our joy and His smiling face is our reward! As we live in His presence, we will know Him.

The apostle Paul in his conversion asked the Lord, "Who are you Lord?" And the Lord replied, "It is Jesus!" (Acts 9:5). Paul spent the rest of his life seeking to know the Lord Jesus until at the end of his life he testified, "For I know whom I have believed" (2 Tim1:12). May this be our testimony! Lord we give our lives to know You and live before Your beautiful, shining face!

"And I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am Jehovah; and they will be My people, and I will be their God; for they will return to Me with their whole heart" Jeremiah 24:7

Charlene Richardson

San Jose, California, United States

Amen! and Amen! I love You Lord Jesus. No matter what, when I have You I have all joy in the mist of sorrow and sufferings. I have the Joy of You Lord Jesus!

Sam Rho

GwaCheon, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea

Hi, I'm a Christian too. It's amazing for me to see this site. I do love this song. I am in Korea. When searching CCM, I use but sometimes I use, and I see this post. ^^

Jesus has changed my life. I'm not good at writing English but I wanna see peoples who love Jesus, and share His life.

Let's do work for His kingdom. Hallelujah for Jesus Christ. Thanks.

Revised version:

1. Christ Jesus makes my heart rejoice;

He makes me sing with ringing voice.

Where Jesus is, I can rejoice!

Where Jesus is, make joyful noise!


Oh, Hallelujah! I can sing!

Yes, I can let glad praises ring!

Where Jesus is, I can rejoice!

Where Jesus is, make joyful noise!

2. Once body, soul were burdened sore;

Now all is peace forevermore.

My sins were all by Him forgiv'n;

My troubles all were borne by Him.

3. Once I was blind, as darkest night;

Now I have sight, as noonday bright.

My straying feet He set aright;

Now He does lead on paths of light.

4. Once I was lonely, all alone;

Now Him as my Companion own.

Moment by moment He's with me,

Shows sympathy and cares for me.

5. His sweet love draws me on His way;

His full grace brings me to obey.

His loving heart's deliv'ring me;

His gracious hand's preserving me.

6. Oh, whom have I in heav'n but Him?

To whom belong on earth but Him?

His love eternally shall last!

My love for Him's not quickly past.

Piano Hymns