Many weary years I vainly sought a spring,
One that never would run dry;
Unavailing all that earth to me could bring,
Nothing seemed to satisfy.
Drinking at the Fountain that never runs dry,
Drinking at the Fountain of life am I;
Finding joy and pleasure
In abounding measure,
I am drinking at the Fountain of life.
Through the desert land of sin I roam no more,
For I find a living Spring
And my cup of gladness now is running o'er,
Jesus is my Lord and King.
Drinking at the Fountain that never runs dry,
Drinking at the Fountain of life am I;
Finding joy and pleasure
In abounding measure,
I am drinking at the Fountain of life.
Here is sweet contentment as the days go by,
Here is holy peace and rest;
Here is consolation as the moments fly,
Here my heart is always blest.
Drinking at the Fountain that never runs dry,
Drinking at the Fountain of life am I;
Finding joy and pleasure
In abounding measure,
I am drinking at the Fountain of life.
Here I find a never ending, sure supply,
While the endless ages roll;
To this healing Fountain I would ever fly,
There to bathe my weary soul.
Drinking at the Fountain that never runs dry,
Drinking at the Fountain of life am I;
Finding joy and pleasure
In abounding measure,
I am drinking at the Fountain of life.
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Delhi, India
Here I find a never ending, sure supply,
While the endless ages roll;
To this healing Fountain I would ever fly,
There to bathe my weary soul. Amen Lord Hallelujah.
New Orleans, LA, United States
Finding joy and pleasure in abounding meaure!!!
Arlington, Texas, United States
Drinking at the Fountain that never runs dry,
Drinking at the Fountain of life am I;
Finding joy and pleasure
In abounding measure
Anaheim, California, United States
Through the desert land of sin I roam no more, For I find a living spirit. Amen
Seattle, Washington, United States
The Fountain of Life, that never runs dry! Let’s drink brothers!
Storrs, Connecticut, United States
Haldor Lillenas (1885-1959) was born at Stord, Norway. His father sold their 15 acre farm in Norway and emigrated to the US, buying a farm in Colton, SD. After he build a sod house, his family emigrated to SD as well. They moved to Astoria, OR. In 1889, Haldor learned English and began writing song-lyrics at an early age. In 1900 the family moved to Roseville, MN where he worked as a farm laborer and attended a Lutheran high school at Hardwick, MN. He sold a few songs at age 19. At age 21 he wrote more songs, encouraged by some earlier ones becoming popular, “He set me free” was one of many. His mother died in 1906 and his father returned to ND but Haldor decided to move back to Astoria, OR, to finish a chemical correspondence course he had been taking. There he found a job in a chemical factory. He started attending a Lutheran Church. One evening he heard the song, “Tell mother I’ll be there“, sung at a mission. It made him decide to commit his life to Christ. An elderly lady who worked there told him about Jesus, and he began attending and working at Peniel Mission, a holiness rescue mission in Astoria, OR. In 1907 he moved to Portland, where he worked with the Peniel Mission and became its leader. He saw many there come to know Christ and felt called to do God’s work. He joined the First Church of the Nazarene in Portland. He enrolled in a ministerial course of study and afterward, he joined a vocal group associated with the Salvation Army called the ‘Charioteers Brigade’, which held street meetings and revival services throughout much of California. As a result of generous donations made, and efforts by his pastor, A. O. Hendrix, he was able to attend Pacific Bible College later named Pasadena College, in Los Angeles. He also found part-time work to help support himself. Lillenas became a music director at a local church, and was preaching and writing songs. He also studied voice at the lyric school of music in Los Angeles, CA. While at Deeds, he met and married Bertha Mae Wilson, also on an evangelistic team. Both preached and wrote hymns. They practiced music at her father’s house and found that their voices blended well. They had two children: Evangeline, and Wendell. They became elders in the Nazarene Church, and she eventually became an ordained minister as well. He also studied music at the Siegel Myers School of Music Chicago, Illinois and composed songs for cantatas, Christmas, Easter, and special day services. He used several pseudo-names in their compositions. He traveled as an evangelist and pastored two churches in California and one In Indiana from 1920–24. While in Indiana, he founded the Lillenas Music Company. His wife preached at their pastorate until he was able to get the company up and running. They published more than 700, 000 hymnals. After selling the company, he worked there as an editor until his retirement in 1950, becoming an advisor for them until his death. That year he purchased a 500 acre rural estate in Miller County, MO where they built an Ozark home called ‘Melody Lane’. He joined the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers in 1938 and received an honorable doctor degree in 1941 from Olivet Nazarene College in Bourbonnais, IL. In 1945 Bertha died of cancer. Lillenas married Lola Dell and they lived in Melody Lane until 1955 when they moved to Pasadena, attending the Nazarene Church there. They made trips to Norway after his retirement where he wrote three books. In 1955 while touring Israel, they sponsored a Palestinian Greek Orthodox family, the Sirhans, he had met as immigrants to the US. After they arrived in Pasadena the Sirhans stayed with Lillenas and later moved to a home Lillenas rented for them. When Mary Sirhan’s husband abandoned the family, Lillenas ensured they would stay in the US. One of her sons, S. B. Sirhan was the convicted killer of Robert Kennedy. Lillenas wrote 4, 000 hymns. He died in Aspen, CO. and is buried at Kansas City, MO. He was an author, editor, composer, and contributor. He edited and compiled over 50 song books. (Hymnary. org)
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
We are drinking at the fountain that never runs dry! Praise the Lord!
Columbus, Ohio, United States
Here is holy peace and rest. Praise the Lord this peace and rest is holy. It is separated and even uncommon. It is completely divine!
Nackawic, NB, United States
Amen! Hallelujah. The Lord is our supply that will ever satisfy!
Austin, TX, United States
"To this healing Fountain I would ever fly,
There to bathe my weary soul."