Many weary years I vainly sought a spring,
One that never would run dry;
Unavailing all that earth to me could bring,
Nothing seemed to satisfy.
Drinking at the Fountain that never runs dry,
Drinking at the Fountain of life am I;
Finding joy and pleasure
In abounding measure,
I am drinking at the Fountain of life.
Through the desert land of sin I roam no more,
For I find a living Spring
And my cup of gladness now is running o'er,
Jesus is my Lord and King.
Drinking at the Fountain that never runs dry,
Drinking at the Fountain of life am I;
Finding joy and pleasure
In abounding measure,
I am drinking at the Fountain of life.
Here is sweet contentment as the days go by,
Here is holy peace and rest;
Here is consolation as the moments fly,
Here my heart is always blest.
Drinking at the Fountain that never runs dry,
Drinking at the Fountain of life am I;
Finding joy and pleasure
In abounding measure,
I am drinking at the Fountain of life.
Here I find a never ending, sure supply,
While the endless ages roll;
To this healing Fountain I would ever fly,
There to bathe my weary soul.
Drinking at the Fountain that never runs dry,
Drinking at the Fountain of life am I;
Finding joy and pleasure
In abounding measure,
I am drinking at the Fountain of life.
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Austin, Texas, United States
Through the desert land of sin I roam no more, For I find a living Spring!
Austin, TX, United States
Take a drink! There’s a fountain flowing for you and me!
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
“Jesus is my Lord and King!”
San Marcos, TX, United States
Deep and Wide! Deep and Wide, There’s a Fountain Flowing Deep and Wide!
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Hallelujah that we are drinking at the fountain that never runs dry!
Columbus, OH, United States
Ephesians 5:18 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissoluteness, but be filled in spirit, Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and psalming with your heart to the Lord,
We need to get drunk with the Spirit!!
United States
Oh we're drinking at the fountain of life! We want to drink more of You! Oh Lord Jesus!
Tulsa, OK, United States
I am drinking at the Fountain of Life!! ☺️
Austin, Texas, United States
I am drinking at the fountain of life!!!
Chicago, Illinois, United States
The information of the author is here. Simply Google Many weary years I vainly sought a spring and find the hymnary. com link.