What joy fills my heart

C242 E1357 F60 P171 R236 S163 T1357
What joy fills my heart, fills my heart, fills my heart,
What joy fills my heart!
God takes my stone heart, one of flesh imparts;
His Spirit renewing gives life to each part.
What joy fills my heart, fills my heart, fills my heart.
Oh, His Spirit fills, fills me now, fills me now!
Oh, His Spirit fills!
He drives out my sin, weakness, death, within,
To bear fruits of righteousness, holy to Him.
Oh, His Spirit fills, fills me now, fills me now!
Vinicius Leao

Macaé, RJ, Brazil

Thanks for this song! Lord, fill my heart with joy.

Baba Beatrice

Accra, Ho, Ghana

This hymns are soul enriching

So true and telling just word

I just have to learn them all

God bless you all

Donald Klopfenstein

Murfreesboro, Tennessee, United States

Love this song! Leads me to the Wonderful One!


Glen Innes, NSW, Australia

I love these lyrics, simple but true. I'm praising God for His Holy Spirit. God is so good!

Santiago Lorza

Cali, Colombia

This is a wonderful song. We have to enjoy not only the lyrics but Christ too!!!!