搜索 714
E90 Lord, accept our feeble song 經典詩歌
E901 Lord, how can man e'er preach Thy Word 經典詩歌
LB52 Lord, keep my heart always true to You 新歌
NS209 Lord, now I see 新歌
E903 Lord, speak to me, that I may speak 經典詩歌
NS239 Lord, take my life 新歌
E148 Lord, the King of kings art Thou 經典詩歌
E196 Lord, the ancient types and symbols 經典詩歌
E221 Lord, we thank Thee for the table 經典詩歌
E93 Lord, we treasure with affection 經典詩歌
NS1053 Make Us Like Daniel 新歌
NS873 Meeting My Lord 新歌
E672 Not what I am, O Lord, but what Thou art 經典詩歌
E1110 O Jesus Lord, when present at Thy table 經典詩歌
E208 O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord 經典詩歌
NT208 O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord 新調
NS1068 O Lord! 新歌
E87 O Lord! When we the path retrace 經典詩歌
E201 O Lord, Thou art our Paraclete 經典詩歌
E202 O Lord, Thou art the Alpha 經典詩歌
E61 O Lord, Thou art the Son of man 經典詩歌
E81 O Lord, Thy being is of old 經典詩歌
E81b O Lord, Thy being is of old (Alternate Tune) 經典詩歌
E8089 O Lord, Your love did not recoil 經典詩歌
E190 O Lord, as we consider Thee 經典詩歌