O Lord! When we the path retrace

B71 C79 CB87 E87 K79 R69 T87
O Lord! When we the path retrace
  Which Thou on earth hast trod,
To men Thy wondrous love and grace,
  Thy faithfulness to God;
Thy love, by man so sorely tried,
  Proved stronger than the grave;
The very spear that pierced Thy side
  Drew forth the blood to save;
Though Thou didst pass through woes and grief,
  Thy works were ever good;
Although midst sorrows all Thy life,
  Thou spak’st no murmuring word.
Faithful amidst unfaithfulness,
  ’Mid darkness only light,
Thou didst Thy Father’s name confess,
  And in His will delight;
Unmoved by Satan’s subtle wiles,
  Or suffering, shame, and loss,
Thy path, uncheered by earthly smiles,
  Led only to the cross.
We wonder at Thy lowly mind,
  And fain would like Thee be,
And all our rest and pleasure find
  In learning, Lord, of Thee.
Jason R Gutierrez

Bakersfield, California, United States

I am from the locality of Bakersfield and me and another brother from the locality of Lancaster we're discussing the words that he had spoke the moment that God forsake Christ on the cross Lord Lord why have you forsaken me this was us learning from the cross amen.


Hillsboro, Oregon, United States

Loved: "During times of degradation and confusion among humanity and the people of God, our Beloved Christ remains unmoved in His way to accomplish His desire and what He has eternally determined. Even more, when chaos and uncertainty enters our life, the touch of His love steadies us to pursue only Him and become His bride." FP

Loved the missing verses: And thank you, RA, for this wonderful verse, which would have missed, if not for you!

Frank Pytel

Chicago, Illinois, United States

During times of degradation and confusion among humanity and the people of God, our Beloved Christ remains unmoved in His way to accomplish His desire and what He has eternally determined. Even more, when chaos and uncertainty enters our life, the touch of His love steadies us to pursue only Him and become His bride.

Richard Arnold

Austin, TX, United States

This hymn originally had these verses in it.

O Lord, with sorrow, and with shame,

We meekly would confess,

How little we, who bear Thy name,

Thy mind and ways express.

Give us Thy meek, Thy lowly mind;

We fain would like Thee be;

And all our rest and pleasure find

In learning, Lord, of Thee.

Piano Hymns