Take, drink this cup, His blood

Take, drink this cup, His blood,
Redemption of our God.
The peace which Christ has made,
Is in this cup displayed.
We fellowship now with the Son:
On Calvary the work was done:
The way is clear, now all can come!
Take, drink this cup, each one,
His death show till He come.
Eat, drink, display this feast:
God in the Lamb released!
Around the table, sup and dine;
We eat the bread and drink the wine.
All blessing in this cup we find.
No blood of cow or goat
Could give us any hope.
Our sins would all remain
Still year by year the same.
A God-man, sinless, He must find
No other offering of His kind,
A spotless lamb for all mankind.
Come! Now enjoy His blood.
What access this to God!
Here wondrous cleansing power
Flows to us, hour by hour.
One sacrifice for all was made,
And peace our conscience does pervade.
Redemption’s price is fully paid!
Redeemer! Savior! King!
Of Thy dear blood we sing,
For in it now we see
Thy mercy, boundless, free.
This cup, our portion blessed of God,
Is of the cov’nant in Thy blood—
Dear, precious, precious, priceless blood!

Calgary, AB, Canada

Lord Jesus. Thank you God

Hannahlise McDaniel

Waco, TX, United States

Dear precious, precious, priceless blood!

Zodzenu Evelyn Lebene

Sogakope, Kundokpo, Ghana

I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for His blood. If not the blood, like I will remain in my sin. redemption's price is fully paid. What a joy.

Jesus is Lord indeed. Amen

Rudy Susantio

Irving, TX, United States

Thank you Lord for the blood you shed for us so we can come to you this Lord's day. Precious blood qualifies us. Amen.


Lubbock, Texas, United States

Oh precious, precious, priceless blood! Now all can come!

Kingsley Zida

Koforidua, Ghana

Dear precious precious priceless blood

Monica Boham

Accra, Ghana

Hallelujah! Redemption's price is fully paid. Now all can come!

Michael Chen

Irvine, CA, United States

God in the lamb released!

Moses Gao

Seattle, United States

Oh, Lord Jesus. What a redemption! Thank You for Your redemption, thank You for Your wondrous cleansing power. Flowing to us! Taking care of all our sins.

Theo Williamson

Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Around the table, SUP AND DINE!!!! Amen! So refreshing!

Piano Hymns