On that same night, Lord Jesus

B105 C184 CB213 E213 K184 R159 T213
On that same night, Lord Jesus,
  When all around Thee joined
To cast its darkest shadow
  Across Thy holy mind,
We hear Thy voice, blest Savior,
  “This do, remember me”,
With grateful hearts responding,
  We do remember Thee.
The depth of all Thy suffering
  No heart could e’er conceive,
The cup of wrath o’erflowing
  For us Thou didst receive;
And, oh, of God forsaken
  On the accursed tree;
With grateful hearts, Lord Jesus,
  We now remember Thee.
We think of all the darkness
  Which round Thy spirit pressed,
Of all those waves and billows,
  Which rolled across Thy breast.
Oh, there Thy grace unbounded
  And perfect love we see;
With joy and sorrow mingling,
  We would remember Thee.
We know Thee now as risen,
  The Firstborn from the dead;
We see Thee now ascended,
  The Church’s glorious Head.
In Thee by grace accepted,
  The heart and mind set free
To think of all Thy sorrow,
  And thus remember Thee.
Till Thou shalt come in glory,
  And call us hence away,
To rest in all the brightness
  Of that unclouded day,
We show Thy death, Lord Jesus,
  And here would seek to be
More to Thy death conformed,
  While we remember Thee.
Sonny Seria

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

On the day the Lord of holiness bore the sins of us all, He cried loudly saying, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? ” (Matt. 27:46). This was even more painful than the crown of thorns on His head and the wounds and stripes on His body. Isaiah 53:5 says, “He was wounded because of our transgressions; / He was crushed because of our iniquities. ” Who says that forgiveness is cheap? Those who have been taught by grace sing with tears and thankfulness:

(The New Covenant - 1952 edition, msg 6. )

Franz Vilan

Talisay City, Philippines

I am so touched by this hymn

Joanna Smathers

Baton Rouge, LA, United States

I seldom ever call a song at the Table meeting. Today I am studying hymns for the table. This is the first for Remembering the Lord. And yes, more to thy death. Conformed as we remember Thee.

Steve Miller

Detroit, MI, United States

I called this song as the first song at today's Lord's Table, and I thought that it had a very good effect to focus the meeting on the Lord Himself and what He suffered for us right from the start.

An opening hymn should be long enough for the spirit of the saints to be fanned into flame. If a hymn is not long enough, the saints will not be sufficiently "pumped up" in their spirit; they will be like those who are out of breath when they run home from the street and go directly to the dining table. In order for the opening hymn to stir up and uplift the spirit of the saints, the tune must be powerful, and it must be easy to sing; moreover, the lyrics should be of adequate length. For instance, Hymns, #213 is a good hymn for beginning the table meeting. If all the brothers and sisters sense that the Lord is full of glory and honor, then they can sing Hymns, #127, and continue with Hymns, #183. To do this, however, we must have some spiritual skill, and the spirit of the meeting must also be able to keep pace. Otherwise, as a rule, after singing Hymns, #127, we will not be able to find another hymn as a continuation because the singing has already reached the peak. For this reason we might need to reserve Hymns, #127 for later and sing Hymns, #183 first. However, if we are experienced in spirit and realize that even though Hymns, #127 is high, it cannot fully express our inner feeling; then perhaps we can continue with Hymns, #141. In such an uplifted spirit we can break the bread to remember the Lord, singing, "Jesus, Thy head, once crown'd with thorns, / Is crown'd with glory now; / Heaven's royal diadem adorns / The mighty Victor's brow" (stanza 1). If we all remember the Lord in this way, the brothers and sisters will receive an unimaginable supply.

Piano Hymns