
The overflow of life is work Service
The greatest need of men is life. If we live Spirit-filled, Jesusly human lives, obeying the anointing, we as branches abiding in the vine…
There's not a Friend like the lowly Jesus Gospel
Hidden friend with a very strong presence O how I love Him always there rain or shine I love you Lord Jesus
Our Lord is now rejected Hope of Glory
This wonderful hymn came into my mind whilst reading Richard Baxter’s The Saints Everlasting Rest. A must read from this great Puritan
Fill My Cup, Lord Experience of Christ
I cried when singing this hymn, once I was a woman at the well where Jesus only knows better than myself. I feel God's presence…
If Thou Tak’st Away My Beloved, Give Thyself To Me Longings
I love the purity of the author's seeking in this song: if what/who he loves is taken away, if what he trusts and hopes in fails, even if…
O I'm a man Preaching of the Gospel
What shall we do? We should go and tell the world of this. Disciple all— This is our call. Let us go and spread th…
Savior, lead me, this I pray Longings
Savior pls lead us gently down the stairs of life
We gather together to eat the Lord's supper Praise of the Lord
Hallelujah! By eating and drinking our oneness we show. We can testify to all that the Lord’s made us one. Lord, we want to have a deeper an…
What was it, blessed God Worship of the Father
What love to Thee we owe, Our God, for all Thy grace! Our hearts may well o’erflow In everlasting praise! …