God’s intention in this universe is with humanity

CB1199 Cs448 D1199 E1199 G1199 LSM209 R449 T1199
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God’s intention in this universe is with humanity,
So the Lord became the Spirit just with man to mingled be.
We rejoice that we can all partake of His economy.
  Yes, mingling is the way.
Mingle, mingle, hallelujah,
Mingle, mingle, hallelujah,
Mingle, mingle, hallelujah,
  Yes, mingling is the way!
In the center of our being, past our mind, emotion, will,
Is a certain spot created to contain the Lord until
By His flowing and His flooding He will all our being fill;
  Yes, mingling is the way.
Now within the Lord’s recov’ry, we’re so glad to find the way
To experience the Triune God and live by Him today—
Get into the mingled spirit, and within the spirit stay;
  Yes, mingling is the way.
In the midst of seven lampstands, now the Son of Man we see;
Eyes ablaze and feet a’burning, He’s for God’s recovery.
God’s intention He’s accomplishing—a corporate entity;
  Yes, mingling is the way.
In our daily life and all we are and do and think and say,
How we need a deeper mingling just to gain the Lord each day;
Lord, we give ourselves completely just to take the mingled way.
  Yes, mingling is the way.
From the fruit of daily living, New Jerusalem we’ll see,
It’s the ultimate in mingling—it’s divine humanity.
And what joy that we can share it all, and share it corporately.
  Yes, mingling is the way.
Maria L

Fremont, California, United States

Hallelujah! When God the Spirit enters into our spirit and we are one spirit with Him, this gives meaning to our human life.

Nelson Liu

Irvine, CA, United States

Yes, mingling is the way!!

Androniccah Molebale Mathibe

Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa


A Saint

United States

Praise the Lord for the way of mingling!

We can fan our spirits into flame by singing and pray-reading this hymn. Amen.

Inday-Ruth Raagas Browning

Bristol, Avon, United Kingdom

Amen mingle mingle hallelujah.

Wilma Gray

Spakenburg, Utrecht, Netherlands

Lord Jesus we love you! Mingling is the way!


I love this song!

Dawn Citto

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

AMEN!! God's Economy is to Mingle Mingle, Hallelujah YES, Mingling is the WAY!! Praise the Lord for the God-nan Living - YES, mingling is the way.

Accomplish Your Economy through ALL the mingling .... Praise the Lord.

Taylor Jenkins

Roseburg, OR, United States

In the center of our being, past our mind, emotion, will,

Is a certain spot created to contain the Lord until

By His flowing and His flooding He will all our being fill!

Oh thank you Lord that we have a spirit in the center of our being! Praise the Lord, we can contain Him!

Amos Kimani

Naivasha, Nakuru, Kenya

Mingling is the only way to fully enjoy Christ. Let us put away all negative things that keep Christ away so that we welcome Him to mingle with us. It is only through mingling that God will achieve His goal, ultimately resulting in corporate New Jerusalem.

Now I would like to say a further word on the enjoyment of God in the house of God as seen in Book One of the Psalms, comprising Psalms 1—41. A number of items of David's enjoyment are good, but many of them are objective and not available. David said that he lifted up his hands unto the innermost sanctuary (Psa. 28:2). This is altogether objective. David also said that those in God's temple all said, "Glory!" (29:9). If God is merely the glory outside of us, He has nothing to do with us. Objective glory does not help us, but our being subjectively mingled with the Triune God works. The chorus of Hymns, #1199 says, "Mingle, mingle, hallelujah...Yes, mingling is the way!" In God's New Testament economy, subjective mingling is the way.

Piano Hymns