
Savior, lead me, this I pray Longings
Savior pls lead us gently down the stairs of life
Olives that have known no pressure The Way of the Cross
It is not an easy thing to follow the Lord and share in His sufferings. Olives being crushed that is us. Ugh. If we want the Spirit (olive…
Just as I am Gospel
Thank you for Jesus, the lamb of God..
Never forget! That it's God who created you Gospel
Thank you Lord you created us in your image and likeness
Tis so sweet to walk with Jesus Experience of Christ
Such a beautiful song. Thank you Lord Jesus.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly (2) Scriptures for Singing
singing with grace! Hallelujah
At Calvary Assurance and Joy of Salvation
I have been going thru some trials and praying to the Lord he opened my eyes to walk with him to Calvary. How he felt and the price he…
There's a race for us to run—Hallelujah Encouragement
There's a race for us to run. Hallelujah.
Amazing Grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
AMAZING grace.
All to Jesus I surrender Consecration
Truly a lovely hymn
My hope is built on nothing less Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Hallelujah So precious is my Saviour, So sure is my Achor. So perfect is His Blood So great is…
Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing pow'r Gospel
This hymn is the most powerful songs for sinners to be set free and saved from their sin
Faith of our fathers, living still The Church
We sang this when I was a child. How we need to be reminded TODAY!!! AMEN!!!
Jesus, O living Word of God Consecration
All that we can give to You is our whole being love outpoured. Lord we belong to you. Use us Thoroughly!
Search me, O God, and know my heart Scriptures for Singing
Psalms 139 is so sweet. I sang this song in children’s meetings before I ever read it in the Bible and it really touches my heart to sing th…
O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me Longings
Amen! Lord Jesus, Make me daily, through thy Grace, more fitting to bear your name!
Father, Thy Son beloved leads our praise Worship of the Father
Thank you father that we can worship you for everything you did for us!