Our goal—the holy city with the Lord,
It is our portion, ’tis where He’s adored;
Although our bodies still are living here,
Our spirits with our glorious Lord are there;
Our spirits with our glorious Lord are there.
It is our portion, ’tis where He’s adored;
Although our bodies still are living here,
Our spirits with our glorious Lord are there;
Our spirits with our glorious Lord are there.
Our goal divine—the new Jerusalem—
That holy city made for God with men;
For all redeemed, who have Thy pathway trod,
Shall have the right to share the bliss with God,
Shall have the right to share the bliss with God.
That holy city made for God with men;
For all redeemed, who have Thy pathway trod,
Shall have the right to share the bliss with God,
Shall have the right to share the bliss with God.
And every time we toward that city gaze,
Then every time we long to see Thy face;
We long to hear the shout that calls to Thee,
With Thee to share Thy God eternally,
With Thee to share Thy God eternally.
Then every time we long to see Thy face;
We long to hear the shout that calls to Thee,
With Thee to share Thy God eternally,
With Thee to share Thy God eternally.
Our heart’s desire is not the peace so sweet,
Our longed for hope is not the joy we’ll meet;
But Thou Thyself, Thou art “our hope,” O Lord,
For ’tis Thyself that will be our reward,
For ’tis Thyself that will be our reward.
Our longed for hope is not the joy we’ll meet;
But Thou Thyself, Thou art “our hope,” O Lord,
For ’tis Thyself that will be our reward,
For ’tis Thyself that will be our reward.
O Jesus, Lord, we pray Thee hear our cry,
Come! Bring us to that city from on high!
That in that glory we may share with Thee,
Thy loving Self partake eternally,
Thy loving Self partake eternally.
Come! Bring us to that city from on high!
That in that glory we may share with Thee,
Thy loving Self partake eternally,
Thy loving Self partake eternally.
O Lord, Thou sayest, “I make all things new,”
New heav’ns, new earth, and all within them too!
Our God Himself our portion then shall be;
O Lord, come quickly! Take us up with Thee,
O Lord, come quickly! Take us up with Thee.
New heav’ns, new earth, and all within them too!
Our God Himself our portion then shall be;
O Lord, come quickly! Take us up with Thee,
O Lord, come quickly! Take us up with Thee.
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United States
According to Revelation 21, the New Jerusalem will be the wife of Christ (vv. 2, 9-10) and also the tabernacle of God, His habitation (v. 3). Revelation 21:7 indicates that the wife of Christ is composed of sons. As the sons of God, we are the components of the New Jerusalem, which is the wife of Christ. Since we are the components of the New Jerusalem and since the New Jerusalem, the Jerusalem above, is our mother, we, the sons, are the components of the mother. Hence, the New Jerusalem is Christ’s wife and our mother. On the one hand, we have been born of this mother; on the other hand, this mother is composed of us as the sons.
The City for Which
Abraham Was Looking
The mother of the believers is the city for which Abraham was looking. “He waited for the city which has the foundations, whose Architect and Maker is God” (Heb. 11:10). This city is identified in Hebrews 12:22, which tells us that we have come to the heavenly Jerusalem, the wife of Christ and the mother of the New Testament believers composed of the sons of God, who have been born of her. The wife of Christ is thus the city for which Abraham was waiting and to which we have come.
Abraham certainly was not waiting for a physical, material city. A material city could not be the wife of Christ or the mother of the believers. Furthermore, a material city could not be composed of all the saved ones as the sons of God. If the New Jerusalem, the Jerusalem above, were a physical entity, how could this city produce us as her children? How could our producing mother be a physical city built with actual gold, pearls, and precious stones, which are not organic and which cannot produce anything? This, of course, is impossible. We should not understand the New Jerusalem in a physical, material sense, for it is altogether a spiritual entity. Only the natural, uneducated mind, a mind that lacks adequate biblical knowledge, understands the New Jerusalem in this way. If our mind has been enlightened and renewed and if we have been adequately educated spiritually, we shall not have the mistaken understanding that the New Jerusalem is a material entity. Rather, we shall realize that the New Jerusalem as the wife of Christ and the mother of the New Testament believers is a spiritual entity.
The Conclusion of the New Testament: The Church, the Kingdom, and the New Jerusalem message 254 (LSM)
Rochester, MN, United States
Amen, Amen.
Chicago, IL, United States
What a hidden treasure, hymn 973, which the ministry had collected! It broke our hearts when my wife and I sang it repeatedly again and again. “O Lord, come quickly! Take us up with Thee,
O Lord, come quickly! Take us up with Thee. “
Take us up O Lord! to be included in the Bridal Army, fighting for His kingdom that ushers in the City New Jerusalem from heaven to earth for all the redeemed and regenerated beings to enter in and live in and enjoy in!