Glory, glory to the Father!
Glory, glory to the Son!
Glory, glory to the Spirit!
Glory to the Three in One!
Glory, glory to the Son!
Glory, glory to the Spirit!
Glory to the Three in One!
Let us praise Him! Let us praise Him!
Praise our God, the Three in One!
Give Him glory; give Him glory!
Wondrous things for us our God hath done.
Praise our God, the Three in One!
Give Him glory; give Him glory!
Wondrous things for us our God hath done.
Praise the Father who has purposed!
Praise the Son who all has done!
Praise the Spirit who transmitteth!
Praise the Three who work as one!
Praise the Son who all has done!
Praise the Spirit who transmitteth!
Praise the Three who work as one!
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Malang, Indonesia
Pujilah Allah Tritunggak
Naivasha, Nakuru, Kenya
Let us Praise Him for what He has done to us. Its not a simple thing to be redeemed, therefore all redeemed ones should praise Him.
Tolland, Connecticut, United States
Margaret Jenkins Harris (1865-1919) was a member of the Iowa Holiness Association. She and her husband songwriter John Harris were active in holiness revivals and camp meetings. They were evangelists at the 1901 General Holiness Convention in Chicago. Margaret played the organ to accompany the duets she sang with her husband. In addition she was an effective preacher with a strong gospel message.
Some of her works include “Spiritual Songs” and “Glorious Gospel in Songs”
New Jersey, United States
Glory to Him who rescued us from darkness and brought us to the light. Glory to the three who work as one. Lord you are ALL that we need, you are enough! We love You Lord Jesus!
Pacifica, California, United States
Praise the Lord!
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Fort Worth, Texas, United States
Let us Praise Him, He is worthy!!
United Kingdom
It is in Isaiah 6 that we read of the seraphim and cherubim crying 'Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God of Hosts. The whole Earth is full of His Glory'. And the book of Revelation tells of the twenty four elders worshipping the Lanb on the throne day and night forever and ever, casting down their crowns.
Spokane, WA, United States
Praise the source of life, the Father,
Now embodied in the Son,
Flowing to us as the Spirit, Bringing us the Three-in-one!
We have been enjoying this verse as the third verse to this song of praise! Hallelujah for our Triune God reaching us!
Aylmer, ON, Canada
Praise our God, the Three in One!