Glory, glory to the Father

B7 C3 CB7 D7 E7 F1 G7 K3 P1 R4 S3 T7
Glory, glory to the Father!
  Glory, glory to the Son!
Glory, glory to the Spirit!
  Glory to the Three in One!
Let us praise Him! Let us praise Him!
Praise our God, the Three in One!
Give Him glory; give Him glory!
  Wondrous things for us our God hath done.
Praise the Father who has purposed!
  Praise the Son who all has done!
Praise the Spirit who transmitteth!
  Praise the Three who work as one!
Renee Wolfe

London, Ontario, Canada

Hallelujah! Praise Him!


Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand

Let us praise Him!

Selene Leyva Hernandez

Fort Stockton, TX, United States

Abba Father I love You!!

Matt Stoebe

Shoreline, Washington, United States

I'M WATERED BROTHERS AMENNN. Very yummy song praise the Lord

Stephen Aizon

Glenfield Auckland City, AKL, New Zealand

Praise the Father! Praise the Son! Praise the Spirit!! Praise the Three who work as one!!!





Stephen Aizon

Glenfield Auckland City, AKL, New Zealand

Glory, glory to the Father!

Glory, glory to the Son!

Glory, glory to the Spirit!

Glory to the Three in One!

Sister Cherry

San Jose, CA, United States

Let us Praise Him! Hallelujah!

Andrea V

Tacoma, WA, United States

The land is burning, pandemic spreading, storms are flooding, but PRAISE OUR GOD, the Three in One! Give Him Glory! Give Him Glory - He's conforming us to His image! Outwardly there's ruin and calamity, but Inwardly there's ever-increasing GLORY!! Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory!


Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Glory, glory to the Father!

Glory, glory to the Son!

Glory, glory to the Spirit!

Glory to the Three in One!

Let us praise Him! Let us praise Him!

Praise our God, the Three in One!

Give Him glory; give Him glory!

Wondrous things for us our God hath done.

Praise the Father who has purposed!

Praise the Son who all has done!

Praise the Spirit who transmitteth!

Praise the Three who work as one!

To know the hymns we have to know some of the crucial points of the contents of the hymns. First, we must know some of the hymns on the blessing and experience of the Triune God. The word blessing is used here not to refer to the good things the Triune God has given us but to the praise, the blessing, we offer to Him. An example of a good hymn on the blessing of the Triune God is #7—"Glory, glory, to the Father!"—and an example of a good hymn on the experience of the Triune God is #608—"What mystery, the Father, Son, and Spirit." We also need to know hymns in the categories of the praise of the Father and the praise of the Lord.

Piano Hymns