It is God’s intent and pleasure

B312 C399 CB538 D538 E538 F96 G538 K399 LSM146 P265 R384 S241 T538
It is God’s intent and pleasure
  To have Christ revealed in me,
Nothing outward as religion,
  But His Christ within to be.
It is God’s intent and pleasure
  That His Christ be wrought in me;
Nothing outwardly performing,
    But His Christ my all to be.
It is God’s intent and pleasure
  That His Christ may live in me;
Nothing as an outward practice,
  But Christ working inwardly.
It is God’s intent and pleasure
  That His Christ be formed in me;
Not the outward forms to follow,
  But Christ growing inwardly.
It is God’s intent and pleasure
  That His Christ make home in me;
Not just outwardly to serve Him,
  But Christ dwelling inwardly.
It is God’s intent and pleasure
  That His Christ my hope may be;
It is not objective glory,
  But ’tis Christ subjectively.
It is God’s intent and pleasure
  That His Christ be all in me;
Nothing outwardly possessing,
  But His Christ eternally.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Jim Smith

Mansfield, Ohio, United States

When I came to this hymn I was brought to tears. Why I am I always looking for what I want to see and what is pleasant or pleasurable for me. A true worshiper should be looking for what God intends to do and what pleases Him. God’s pleasure is that Christ would be everything to me. This is not performing outward things, but letting Him work inwardly. I don’t want to be like many that seek their own things. This can happen even in the church. I realize that for me to be one with this Christ and take Him as my all, I must die to self and be willing to partake of His sufferings. The Lord suffered not only for the gospel but also for the perfecting of His humanity.

Maria Levi

Los Angeles, CA, United States

I praise & thank You O God & Father! Your intent and pleasure, is to have Christ Your very Son: be revealed in me as the Spirit within; be wrought in me to be my all; may live in me to work inwardly; be formed in me to grow inwardly; make home in me to dwell inwardly; be my hope of glory subjectively; and be all in me eternally! Oh what a Christ I have inside of me! I love You, dear Lord!

Mg Ramos

Batangas, Philippines

It is God’s intent and pleasure

To have Christ revealed in me,

Nothing outward as religion,

But His Christ within to be.

God's revealing of His Son to us is in us; it is not outward but inward, not by an outward vision but by an inward seeing. It is not an objective revelation but a subjective one. - Gal 1:16, fn. 3, "in"

Sanjay Massey

Delhi, India

It is God’s intent and pleasure

That His Christ be all in me;

Nothing outwardly possessing,

But His Christ eternally.

Amen Lord. Hallelujah

C. Taylor

Forth Worth, Texas, United States

It is God's intent and pleasure

That His Christ be formed in me;

Not the outward forms to follow,

But Christ growing inwardly!

1 John 4:13 In this we know that we abide in Him and He in us,

that He has given to us of His Spirit.


Bislig, Surigao Del Sur, Philippines

Thank the LORD, HE shows us HIS INTENT and PLEASURE...

Lizandro Torres Sotomayor

San Martin De Porres, Lima, Peru

It's wonderful hymn, I love it!

I remember my first years of the church's life in Lima- Peru since 1981.. oh Lord Jesus!!


Worcester, Mass, United States

It is God’s will and my will in one.

Sonny Seria

Saskatchewan, Canada

That His Christ be wrought in me...

2 Cor 5:5 - Now He who has wrought us for this very thing is God, who has given to us the Spirit as a pledge.


Or, fashioned, shaped, prepared, made fit. God has wrought us, fashioned us, shaped us, prepared us, made us fit, for the very purpose that our mortal body might be swallowed up by His resurrection life.


Eph 1:14 - Who is the pledge of our inheritance unto the redemption of the acquired possession, to the praise of His glory.

One Sister


Christ is all in me!

God is not interested in our enjoying Him merely as a good taste. His good pleasure is for Christ to be revealed in us, to live in us, to be formed in us, to make His home in us, to be assimilated by us, and to become us (Gal. 1:15-16; 2:20; 4:19; Eph. 3:17; Hymns, #538). This is accomplished by our eating of Christ (John 6:57). Every day and all day long we need to eat Jesus until He becomes us by being digested and assimilated in us.

God's good pleasure is what makes God happy. It is what God likes, what pleases God. We have a hymn in our hymnal which speaks of God's intent and pleasure (see Hymns, #538). God has predestinated us unto sonship according to the good pleasure of His will (Eph. 1:5). This means that God likes to have sons. His predestination is unto sonship. Unto means for or in view of. God's predestination of us is for His sonship or in view of His sonship. God is happy and glad about gaining sons. It is His good pleasure to have us as His sons.

God has made known to us the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Himself (Eph. 1:9). First, there is God's will, second God's purpose, and third God's pleasure.

Piano Hymns