Chants qui ont été commentés récemment
My faith has found a resting place
Assurance and Joy of Salvation
I woke up with this hymn in mind . Remembering that today is Ash Wednesday. That Christ has paid the price of sin for me. So I need no…Amazing Grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Praise your name Lord Jesus 🙌🏽🙏🏽 I grew up in church my whole life…. This is the #1 song played during worship…To God be the glory, great things He hath done Worship of the Father
This song is always a Blessing to my soul. Praise the Lord!! Thank you JESUS!!What a Friend we have in Jesus Prayer
Nice song 👍Whosoever heareth! shout, shout the sound Gospel
A great piece of a generation that makes me rewind the history of my family. My Mother and Uncle (Pr) used to sing that hymn a lot, and I…Choose to Be an Overcomer Spiritual Warfare
I give myself to You Lord, amenIt's the life, life, life Experience of Christ
Love this song!!! Best hymn ever!! 👍😁😄💗Just taste and see that the Lord is good Gospel
Just taste and see that the Lord is good!
Thou art fairer than the morning
Praise of the Lord
Praise the Lord, for we all are save by the glory and grace of God, Lord almighty.To Open Their Eyes Gospel
Lord Jesus we pray, announcing the eternal life, Enlightening all that they may believe;Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry Gospel
Lord do not leave me as I amThe Jubilee Has Come! Gospel
Amen wonderful song! You can sing it by replacing the words The Jubille with Reality. Reality has come!What can wash away my sin Gospel
Hallelujah!!! Yes, nothing but makes perfect but the BLOOD OF MY LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST! I am RANSOMED, REDEEMED, HEALED…There is a name I love to hear Praise of the Lord
He is faithfulEternity! Eternity Gospel
Thank You Lord that You give us eternal life and we shall by no means perish forever and no one shall snatch us out of Your hand (Jn10:28). …Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing pow'r Gospel
A powerful hymn calling for repentance, As the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is far approachingWe Do Not Lose Heart Comfort in Trials
And we do not regard the temporary things which are seen But the things which are not seen which are eternal.Jubilee!! Gospel
I love this song very much Enjoy the JubileeDearest Lord, You've called us here The Church
Jesus we love you!Take my life, and let it be Consecration
We are so blessed to know this song through the book from Pst. Rick Warren on page 214 Better Together (what on earth are we here for? ):…Whosoever heareth! shout, shout the sound Gospel
A great piece of a generation that makes me rewind the history of my family. My Mother and Uncle (Pr) used to sing that hymn a lot, and I…My faith looks up to Thee Longings
I woke up this morning while doing my short prayer, this song came to my mind to sing. Thank you Jesus.