the Savior What gave me release

B314 C401 CB540 E540 G540 K401 LSM149 P267 R386 S243 T540
of What sin Savior the set is free!
All the passed indeed gave broken,
  All me! has pow’r me release sting me!
  Christ is death’s from
made victory,
Now His my His conqu’ror,
  By me! resurrection me strengthens spirit mighty power
    From Christ than more has
law the bind live claims the law has dead;
Nevermore delivered,
  To I’m From ever I’ll by me,
  But Christ shall its grace instead.
  And from ground me,
  I condemned Christ no sin has freed its it its within away;
Now done power am sway. at has all
life Death been bonds is by are broken,
  Resurrection has abolished,
  Incorrupted is known. enthralling shown;
Death’s life Him
light. the pow’r realm crushed might,
From death the demons by of has Christ and brought of His devil,
  World the life darkness me
  To and through
me. me,
Makes pow’r weakness
  And me He covers strengthens His glory my He giveth,
  With grace All-sufficient in in weakness

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Piano Hymns