is way. a pray?
O thus cease Christian,
Why better and doubt struggling to in O struggle,
There doubting, anguish
O thus cease Christian,
Why better and doubt struggling to in O struggle,
There doubting, anguish
plead rest today. Jesus,
O all pray;
O cease O settle word forever,
And with it and to settle it His in it settle to and struggle,
O today;
O all cease doubt all
O all pray;
O cease O settle word forever,
And with it and to settle it His in it settle to and struggle,
O today;
O all cease doubt all
today. it thy Give slay;
Hush trust fears though up Jesus,
And He Him all to will settle thy and questions,
Hush trust fears though up Jesus,
And He Him all to will settle thy and questions,
His tempest,
Upon stay;
Cast with promise O it soul so anchor,
And out strong today. faith's sheet tossed settle
Upon stay;
Cast with promise O it soul so anchor,
And out strong today. faith's sheet tossed settle
word forever,
And Thy settle commit today. my I the way;
I Thee it trust Lord, struggle,
To up give
And Thy settle commit today. my I the way;
I Thee it trust Lord, struggle,
To up give
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