Beneath the cross of Jesus

B371 Cs435 E621
Beneath the cross of Jesus
  I fain would take my stand,
The shadow of a mighty Rock
  Within a weary land;
A home within the wilderness,
  A rest upon the way,
From the burning of the noontide heat,
  And the burden of the day.
Oh, safe and happy shelter!
  Oh, refuge tried and sweet!
Oh, trysting place where heaven’s love
  And heaven’s justice meet.
As to the holy patriarch
  That wondrous dream was given,
So is my Savior by the cross
  A ladder up to heaven.
There lies beneath its shadow,
  But on the farther side,
The darkness of an awful grave
  That gapes both deep and wide;
And there between us stands the cross,
  Two arms outstretched to save,
Like a watchman set to guard the way
  From that eternal grave.
Upon that cross of Jesus
  Mine eye at times can see
The very dying form of One,
  Who suffered there for me;
And from my smitten heart, with tears,
  Two wonders I confess,
The wonders of His glorious love,
  And my own worthlessness.
I take, O cross, thy shadow
  For my abiding place;
I ask no other sunshine than
  The sunshine of His face;
Content to let the world go by,
  To know no gain nor loss,
My sinful self my only shame,
  My glory all the cross.
Helen Kowalsky

Medicine Hat, AB, Canada

I woke this Sunday morning with the words of this song manifesting through my waking foggy brain. I receive that as a gift from my loving Lord. How precious He is. 💖

Daniel Herbert

Stewartstown, Pennsylvania, United States

I had never known the part with "oh, trysting place where heaven's love and heaven's justice meet"! What an amazing condensation of all Christian theology; my mind is overwhelmed and my heart broken by it.

So precious to me to see your comments, brothers and sisters, coming from all over the world. Thank you.


Aylesbury, United Kingdom

I woke up this morning with "o safe and happy shelter, O refuge tried and sweet...". A beautiful and precious hymn that turns our eyes away from ourselves and circumstances onto our dear Saviour and his cross. He is indeed our safe and happy Shelter, our Refuge tried and sweet!

Kathy Emery

Stavely, Alberta, Canada

This hymn came to mind during my devotions. 2 of the verses are new to me. 3 I know by heart. Such a beautiful meaningful hymn.

Teresa Rovics

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, United States

Love that last verse ❤️

Gayle Horn

Port St Lucie, Florida, United States

This hymn came to my mind today, and I googled the phrase which was coming to me. The internet gives 5 verses. I went to my Baptist Hymnal and searched for it, and there was 3 of the 5 verses in the hymnal. All the verses are powerful... the cross of Christ is where our salvation lies... everything we need is found in the cross of Christ. This hymn ministers to my soul today.

Setu Petaia

South San Francisco / Apia, CA / Samoa, United States

Gavin Barnett

Cape Town, South Africa

Last line :

"my glory all the cross" is old style English meaning all (or any) glory I may share is on account of the Cross.

Thanks Gavin Barnett, this line is beautiful and poetic and I appreciate your read and interpretation of it!


Clinton, TN, United States

This song came to mind during my devotion this morning. I only remembered a few lines and looked it up. This hymn is a reminder to fix my affections on things above.." I ask no other sunshine than the sunshine of His face."

Christ Is Sufficient..

I love these old hymns ... thanks for making them available.

Lisa Isaac

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Thank you so much my family prayer time has become so lively with the accompanying piano .... as we are in the Lent season this hymn becomes all the more touching


Nixa, MO, United States

Thank you. In my quiet time this morning I was reading a book by Andrew Murray and something he said caused me to return to my childhood and hearing this song in church. What a great song. What a glorious Savior.