The cross—we all were there

The cross—we all were there,
  Hallelujah! hallelujah!
For all that death did share!
  Hallelujah! hallelujah!
God there upon it died,
And man and all beside
Were wholly crucified—
  Hallelujah for the cross!
Hallelujah! hallelujah!
Hallelujah for the cross!
Hallelujah! hallelujah!
  It shall never suffer loss!
The cross, it holdeth fast,
  Hallelujah! hallelujah!
All things upon it cast,
  Hallelujah! hallelujah!
Two arms extended strong
Hold those who there belong;
We’re through with self—our song:
  Hallelujah for the cross!
’Tis there man died in God,
  Hallelujah! hallelujah!
There ceased this human clod,
  Hallelujah! hallelujah!
With joy we all declare,
We’re terminated there!
We’ll sing now and fore’er,
  Hallelujah for the cross!
’Tis there man died in God,
  Hallelujah! hallelujah!
Fulfilling thus His plan,
  Hallelujah! hallelujah!
Through death He was released
And now He has increased;
His life is our rich feast—
  Hallelujah for the cross!
Hallelujah! hallelujah!
God has been released in us!
Hallelujah! hallelujah!
  Hallelujah for the cross!

Esquimalt, BC, Canada

This is a difficult matter to understand. Strictly speaking, God cannot die in His divinity. Actually, we humans, saved or unsaved do not fully die. Our body dies but our soul and spirit continue to live. Verse 1 still says, God there upon it died. Perhaps the one who changed verse 4 missed the line in verse 1. I would rewrite these two lines as follows:

V. 1: The Son of Man there died

V. 4: Twas there God passed through death in man

God's New Testament Economy, chapters 3, 4 & 5 give a complete unveiling of this wonderful mysterious God-Man in His death and resurrection. It is available online at bibleread. online.

Lord, we praise You for Your incarnation, human living, death, resurrection and ascension! Through Your wonderful process You now indwell us! Hallelujah!

Gregg H. Ost

Frankfurt Am Main, Hessen, Germany

I feel verse 4 line 1 should be revised back to .. God died in man.. consistent with the truth and rest of V4. Paul tells us such in Acts 20:28, that God acquired the church through shedding his own blood. Please see also E296 verse 2 from Charles Wesley.. he was bold to write, the Immortal dies.. John 12:24 also makes this "death first to release life " concept clear.

Melanie Hanson

Bellingham, WA, United States

“Two arms extended strong

Hold those who there belong”

Sounds like an embrace. Lord, keep holding us to the cross in your loving embrace! What a peaceful place!

Totty Pettit

Memphis, Tennessee, United States

What a marvelous reminder that God is, and we are not!

Dean Camfferman

Esquimalt, BC, Canada

Verse 4 originally began with, twas there God died in man. However since God can't die it is not doctrinally correct to say this. I like to sing it, Twas there God passed through death in man etc. One needs to sing the words more quickly but it works. Hallelujah for the cross, the greatest event in human history!

Doug Dean

Spokane, WA, United States

God died in man to be released, and man died in God to be terminated. (LS of Ezek, pp. 243-244). First line of verse 4 should read "'Tis there God died in man" which rhymes with 2nd line. In the hymnal it may be written the other way; if so it is a typo.