Songs that were recently commented on
Blessed assurance
Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Such a spirit lifting hymn , it refreshes my soul always. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness.O Jesus, I have promised Consecration
Amazing how God can set a song in your head early in the morning. Thank you to those who made the lyrics available here. (I was fuzzy on…Abide with me! fast falls the eventide Longings
Been battling through several illnesses the last 1year of my life, it's 1:50am & I woke up with a start with this song in my spirit. …Jesus is all the world to me Experience of Christ
This was one of my favorite songs during our 17 years at Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis. I can almost hear Jim Whitmire leading the…Begone, unbelief Comfort in Trials
With Christ in the vessel, victory is sure. Though all things failed Christ never fail... It may be painful …O to be like Thee Longings
I am coming up on being interviewed soon by my denomination to be ordained an Elder. I was asked to come prepared to articulate…The Great Physician now is near Gospel
The song is a healing balm!Finding Grace in God's Eyes Experience of Christ
May we be the generation God will use to turn this age, Blameless in our generations, Those who walk with…Beneath the cross of Jesus Glorying in the Cross
I woke up this morning with "o safe and happy shelter, O refuge tried and sweet...". A beautiful and precious hymn that turns our eyes away …Have Thine own way, Lord Consecration
Thank You Lord for sovereignly creating us to be Your vessels to contain You for Your glory. Lord, keep us open to You under Your…I need Thee every hour Longings
I need theeI must tell Jesus all of my trials Prayer
I cast on Jesus all this care. As I travel on through this unfamiliar place, through faith in Christ, I will follow peace with all men and…Standing on the promises of Christ my King Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Glory to God! I enjoy singing it.
I've turned my back upon the world
Great hymn, telling us to leave the world with all its pleasures behind us. And we have passed in Christ from death to life.There is a name I love to hear Praise of the Lord
He is faithfulGod's Christ, who is my righteousness Assurance and Joy of Salvation
God’s Christ, who is my righteousness, My beauty is, my glorious dress; Midst flaming worlds, in this arrayed, …Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus Experience of Christ
Faith in Christ is foundation for true peace and stability "Believe the Lord your God and you will gain stability (2 Chron. 20:20) the only …The Lord shall get the glory Praise of the Lord
Amen! Yes Lord Jesus, get all the glory as we praise You unceasingly .Crazy lovers of Jesus Experience of Christ
"We Christians, like a drunkard saturated with wine, must be saturated with Christ until we become wine... When we become drunk of Christ…What a Friend we have in Jesus Prayer
Here because of JD Walt’s Wake Up Call!Jesus, our wonderful Shepherd The Church
He is our rich enjoyment! Here we have nothing to fear!I'm pressing on the upward way Longings
Despite what your going through, the Lord has promised that he Will plant your feet on higher ground and so shall it be in Jesus name amen 💝O Jesus, I have promised Consecration
Amazing how God can set a song in your head early in the morning. Thank you to those who made the lyrics available here. (I was fuzzy on…There's not a Friend like the lowly Jesus Gospel
Indeed is a friend that cannot be compared. He's always right with his, even when one seems not to sense his presence. However, he is…Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty Blessing of the Trinity
I’m so glad to have come across this site. Reading the comments just filled me with joy to know that so many people love God. I love God. He…