He’s able, He’s able,
I know He’s able,
I know my Lord is able
To carry me through.
I know He’s able,
I know my Lord is able
To carry me through.
He healed the broken-hearted
And set the captive free,
He made the lame to walk again
And caused the blind to see.
And set the captive free,
He made the lame to walk again
And caused the blind to see.
He’s able, He’s able,
I know He’s able,
I know my Lord is able
To carry me through.
I know He’s able,
I know my Lord is able
To carry me through.
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St Paul, MN, United States
Hence also He is able to save to the uttermost those who come forward to God through Him, since He lives always to intercede for them. Hebrews 7:25
Come forward!
Shelton, WA, United States
He is still able, never changes.
Manila, Philippines
This songs sets our minds free to remember the Lord's exploits for His people. We are singing this right this very minute in our prayer meeting. Jesus healed 2000 years ago and His Spirit is healing us now!
Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka
This is a very affectionate song for children. I also learnt the song when I'm 7 years, and I still remember the words.
Praise The Lord!
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Our Sunday school children love to learn this song
United Kingdom
I have been going through some relationships problems with my wife of 30 years and teenage daughter and my faith has come under attack and challenged like never before. I was reading my devotional passage this morning and was reminded of this song by the verse in Ephesians 3:20 and searched for it and found it on this very interesting site which I have signed up now. I hope I can connect to some members of Christ’s body through this site. May Holy Spirit be with you 🙏
Sunnside, WA, United States
Kinda having defeating thoughts of life and the struggle of it all... And pop, started singing this song. What a blessing. God IS able!
Flint, MI, United States
Woke up this morning with this song in my mind, first time in decades. I need this one and I feel like it's a gift from the Holy Spirit. My grandpa Ivan used to wake up in the morning with a new (old) song too. :)
Jalingo, Taraba, Nigeria
Through all my grave moment this days, this old song always pop into my heart to comfort me and give me courage. My God is able to carry me through. Hallelujah!!!
Iloilo City, Visayas, Philippines
I love 💗 the song🎶 very much ☺️😇 it's very good song 😍