Songs that were recently commented on

Great is Thy faithfulness Worship of the Father
Whenever I Sing This Hymn I Feel Joy In My Spirit And My Spirit Being Elevated. To God Alone Be The Glory Now And Forever.
Stand up! stand up for Jesus Spiritual Warfare
I have woken up at 3:00am to pray and I could just hear this hymn singing in my spirit soul and mind. I had to Google it. I have …
Lord, to know Thee as our Person Experience of Christ
Saved from self delusion, Christ our Real Person!
Rock of Ages, cleft for me Gospel
This hymn dropped in my soul while in the bathroom this night and it has really ministered to me pointing my worries and confusion to…
What can wash away my sin Gospel
According to the pattern set in the Lord’s prayer in Luke chapter 11 we are to ask for God’s forgiveness daily at the beginning of each day.…
I have a song I love to sing Assurance and Joy of Salvation
I was lost but when I heard the content in the song I felt empowered and redeemed
Blessed assurance Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Sometimes I feel the need to give praises to God beyond the limits of my vocabulary. A simple Praise God is just not enough! The Lord will…
There shall be showers of blessing Fulness of the Spirit
This is a true and faithful message for all the land, no matter what your faith, religious beliefs or cultural and ethnic backing. The word …
O Lord, Thou art our Paraclete Praise of the Lord
Amen - taking care of our entire situation!
Let me stand behind You, Lord Experience of Christ
I love You! Jesus I love You!
Jesus, I will trust Thee Gospel
Jesus, I WILL trust thee Jesus, I MUST trust thee Jesus, I CAN trust thee Jesus, I DO trust thee.…
O God, our help in ages past Experience of God
Thanks for this wonderful hymn.