Songs that were recently commented on

O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me Longings
Amen! Lord Jesus, Make me daily, through thy Grace, more fitting to bear your name!
Rock of Ages, cleft for me Gospel
I never knew all the words to this song. I've still used the misunderstood words of my childhood. I just wanted to know so I sing correctly …
Father God, Thou art the source of life Worship of the Father
I love this hymn. He, the father, the source of life. In this Life we are all made one. This should not be a mystery to us. The Father is…
Almost persuaded Gospel
"Almost" is the saddest word in the English language...
Joys are flowing like a river Fulness of the Spirit
There's so much peace in His Presence. Burdens are lifted off. Challenges find their answers in Him. So much peace!
What a Friend we have in Jesus Prayer
When I lost my first baby, I would play this hymn over and over and over. Sometimes I would stop and cry. I found solace and such comfort…
The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want Experience of Christ
The Lord is my giver and provider he is the king of kings love you father son and holy spirit amen
Back in My Father's House Again! Assurance and Joy of Salvation
We need to know the God of Abraham, the Father the source of all things. The God of Isaac the Son all things for our enjoyment…
Some, these days, would tell us that our Jesus is not food Praise of the Lord
Fill my heart with manna Jesus, this is what I pray I want You to be my first thought starting each new day Wake me…
When we survey the wondrous cross (Alternate Tune) Praise of the Lord
Sir Isaac Watts was born in Southhampton England, in 1674. At the age of 18 he became so irritated at the untuneful hymns sung at the…
Watch! Be Ready! Hope of Glory
Sister Marybelle shared this chorus with us on zoom one evening. I copied it to my journal. Saw it this morning, joyed again with all the…