Praise God, from whom all blessings flow

B8 C5 CB8 D8 E8 G8 K5 P2 R5 S4 T8
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
Praise God the Father who’s the source;
Praise God the Son who is the course;
Praise God the Spirit who’s the flow;
Praise God, our portion here below!
Glory Apih

Calabar, Cross River, Nigeria

This song dropped in my heart while having my breakfast this morning. It's always a blessing to me. I am grateful Lord 🙏

Carolyn Peak

Colleyville, Texas, United States

I am so thankful for this site!! God will put a melody on my heart and if I can only remember a few words of the song, I can usually find it on this site!!

Ajibike Elizabeth

Abuja, Nigeria

Thank you Jesus for having us in mind.

You are worthy of our praise and You are worthy to be praised.

Glory to Your holy name.


Camano Island, Washington, United States

Thank You, Jesus, for a new morning with new mercies. Praise You, God. I surrender my will and my life to You in all things. Glory be to the Father!


Edgewood, Washington

I sit here this morning to begin my day, to be in the Word, but first to consciously give Him praise. This old, beautiful prayer of praise came back to me. It says it all. I am grateful. Amen

Jomo Kenyatta Kamanga

Blantyre City, Southern Region, Malawi

After this song and reading the comments from others on this platform I realized and noticed a great change in my life today and promised myself to include this song in my daily meditation, in Jesus Christ name, Amen.

Avery Stephens

Mebane, North Carolina, United States

The one who is testifying to these things says, "Behold, I come quickly!" Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!


Franklin, Tennessee, United States

Hearing this sweet hymn is such a blessing to my soul.

Osaigbovo Joy

Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria

On my way back from work on money on me thinking of what to prepare for my kids this evening and tomorrow for school then this song came to my mind. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Cause I know he will provide.


Every night this song runs through my mind when I cannot sleep - its Truth settles my soul and I slip into a restful sleep.

Today I was able to sing it in my mind during an MRI with all the extremely loud banging and clanging, etc - and I was so assured that I fell asleep 3 times in 25 mins! Praise God on high, praise Him, from Whom all good things come!!! 🙏đŸŊ🙏🙏🏾🙏đŸŧ🙏đŸģ👑🤲đŸŊ🧔🏾‍♀ī¸đŸ™ŒđŸŊ🕊ī¸

Re-translation of stanza 1:

1. Praise Father, whence all blessings spring;

Praise Son, redemption finishing;

Praise Spirit, working to apply& mdash;

Praise God with voices lifted high.

Formerly, God was outside of man and had nothing to do with man; there was a great distance between God and man. However, the Triune God desires to transmit Himself into us. In order for the Triune God to fulfill this desire, God the Father is the source, God the Son is the course, and God the Spirit is the flow (2 Cor. 13:14). This thought is expressed in the second stanza of a hymn in our hymnal: "Praise God the Father who's the source; / Praise God the Son who is the course; / Praise God the Spirit who's the flow; / Praise God, our portion here below!" (Hymns, #8). The Spirit is revealed as the flow of the Trinity in Revelation 22:1. This verse says that the river of water of life, a symbol of the Spirit, proceeds out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the middle of the street (cf. John 7:37-39). This indicates that the Spirit as the river of water of life flows and that this river has not only a source from which it flows but also a course, a way in which the source flows. In Revelation 22:1 the Triune God, the Divine Being, is portrayed as living water in three aspects: the source, the course, and the flow. God the Father is the source of the river of water of life, God the Son is the course of this river, and God the Spirit is the flow of the river. In the New Jerusalem the river of water of life spirals down from the throne in the middle of the golden street to water the whole city. This is a picture of the transmission of the Triune God as living water into the believers. When the Spirit as the flow comes to reach us, the entire Triune God is transmitted into us.

Piano Hymns