O God, in Christ all focused is
Thy wisdom with Thy grace;
As wisdom Thou mad’st Him to us,
In Him Thy way we trace.
Thy wisdom with Thy grace;
As wisdom Thou mad’st Him to us,
In Him Thy way we trace.
What Thou has planned is all in Him,
Thy way of grace is He;
In Him, Thy Wisdom, we have all,
That glory be to Thee.
Thy way of grace is He;
In Him, Thy Wisdom, we have all,
That glory be to Thee.
In Him, who is our righteousness,
Have we been justified;
In Him, who is our holiness,
We’re being sanctified.
Have we been justified;
In Him, who is our holiness,
We’re being sanctified.
Redemption too He is to us,
According to Thy plan,
That we may fully be redeemed
To be a perfect man.
According to Thy plan,
That we may fully be redeemed
To be a perfect man.
He is Thy wisdom, Father God,
In Thine economy;
For Him we offer praise to Thee
With all humility.
In Thine economy;
For Him we offer praise to Thee
With all humility.
Thy wisdom we have seen in Him,
So rich and so profound;
Yet richer, deeper, in Thy way,
By us will it be found.
So rich and so profound;
Yet richer, deeper, in Thy way,
By us will it be found.
(Repeat the last two lines of each stanza)
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Tampa, FL, United States
Lord I just love you!
Quezon City, Philippines
This hymn beautifully articulates the centrality of Christ in embodying God's wisdom and grace. It eloquently reflects on the completeness we find in Him, from justification to sanctification and redemption. Truly, He is the epitome of divine wisdom, worthy of our humble praise.
San Frsnciso, Californis, United States
Praise Father, in Christ all focused are your grace, wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, redemption…for our enjoyment.
Limoeiro, PE, Brazil
O God, in Christ all focused is
Abba Father! Thank you for your great design and grace and mercy! Thy wisdom we have seen in Him, So rich and so profound; Yet richer, deeper, in Thy way!