Father, to us Thy mercy Thou hast shown,
In Thine own way;
Sinners like us as dear sons Thou wouldst own,
In love for aye.
Vessels of mercy, Thou didst us prepare;
Vessels of honor, we Thyself declare.
In Thine own way;
Sinners like us as dear sons Thou wouldst own,
In love for aye.
Vessels of mercy, Thou didst us prepare;
Vessels of honor, we Thyself declare.
“In mercy I delight, not sacrifice,”
Thou hast declared;
Thru this Thy mercy, favor in Thine eyes
We all have shared.
’Tis not of them that will nor them that run,
But of Thee showing mercy as was done.
Thou hast declared;
Thru this Thy mercy, favor in Thine eyes
We all have shared.
’Tis not of them that will nor them that run,
But of Thee showing mercy as was done.
Father, Thy mercy with Thy love and grace
Did we obtain;
And in Thy mercy, with Thee face to face,
We’ll e’er remain;
And for Thy mercy we would worship Thee
Through all our days and through eternity.
Did we obtain;
And in Thy mercy, with Thee face to face,
We’ll e’er remain;
And for Thy mercy we would worship Thee
Through all our days and through eternity.
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Singapore, Singapore
Fremont, California, United States
Praise the Lord! God’s mercy and His grace are both the expression of His love. When we are in a pitiful condition, His mercy reaches us and brings us into a state where He is able to favor us with His grace. Hallelujah. 😀
Tampa, FL, United States
Thank you for EVERYTHING Father!
Amherst/ Elyria, Ohio, United States
Romans 9: 7-18 Read Life Study #21 Exodus.... that the purpose of God according to SELECTION might stand, Jacob have I loved Esau have I hated.
Lagos, Nigeria
For Thy mercy we would worship Thee
Through all our days and through eternity!
United States
“ And in Thy mercy, with Thee face to face,
We’ll e’er remain; ”