搜索 43
NS4 Christ in Numbers 新歌
E836 Christ is made the sure foundation 经典诗歌
E277 Christ the Savior hath ascended 经典诗歌
E9 Glory be to God 经典诗歌
E186 Glory be to Him who loved us 经典诗歌
NS663 God grants us to be strengthened 新歌
E691 Hark! the voice of love and mercy 经典诗歌
E605 My home is God Himself; Christ brought me there 经典诗歌
E908 Not of letters, but of spirit 经典诗歌
E1290 O Lord, we've seen Your purpose to bring the 经典诗歌
E46 O gracious God, Thy pleasure 经典诗歌
E124 Praise Him! praise Him! Christ is Victor 经典诗歌
E730 Pressed out of measure, pressed beyond all length 经典诗歌
E6805 Ride on, O King Lord Jesus 经典诗歌
NS1069 Serve Him! 新歌
E36 We praise Thee, glorious Father 经典诗歌
E8032 We praise Thee, glorious Father (re-translation) 经典诗歌
Cs805 基督我王正驱前 经典诗歌(补充本)
C446 我的居所乃是神的 经典诗歌
C224 救主基督已经高升 经典诗歌
C654 新约之下所有事奉 经典诗歌
C32 荣耀父神赞美你 经典诗歌
C527 神是我盼望 经典诗歌
C109 赞美赞美基督得胜 经典诗歌
T36 Amang Diyos, purihin Ka Classic (Filipino)