Serve Him!

Serve Him! Serve Him! We can serve Him!
In this age and in the next!
For eternity we'll serve Him!
How we'll serve Him, He knows best!
What a privilege! What an honor!
As His priests we are so blessed!
As His priests we must come forward,
To enjoy our precious Lord!
As we spend time in His presence,
Oh what grace He does afford!
So that when we serve together,
We will serve in one accord!
As the basis of our service,
His blood is our surety!
It shuts up the mouth of Satan,
Giving us full liberty!
Christ is now our priestly clothing,
"Stately robes" for service, He!
Now the key for all our service,
Is not our ability.
To “Serve Him!" we must in spirit,
Come to Him continually!
Spirit with our spirit working,
Joined as one eternally!