We praise Thee, glorious Father (re-translation)

C32 CB36 E8032 G36 P26 R30 S24 T36
We praise Thee, glorious Father,
  As objects of Thy grace,
Who for Thine own heart's pleasure
  Are now before Thy face:
Thy sons marked out for glory
  Known from eternity
With Christ Thy Well-beloved,
  Object supreme to Thee.
For holiness Thou chose us,
Ere earth was set in space,
Predestined us Thy glorious
Inheritance in grace;
Thou marked us out beforehand,
Chose us for sonship's sake;
Our full predestined portion,
When full-grown, we'll partake.
As Thou predestinated,
Thou called us to be graced;
Thy life divine imparted,
Our every sin erased.
Our pledge and seal's the Spirit,
Supplying boundlessly;
Thine ever, we inherit
Thy wealth eternally.
Who else but Thee, O Father,
  Could in Thine only Son
So bless us with Thy Spirit,
  And have us for Thine own?
Soon shall we be forever
  With Christ in glory; then
We'll shine in His blest image
  Eternally, Amen!

Stanzas 2 and 3 have been added.

Piano Hymns