Lord Jesus name, Gathered Thy in

B101 C166 D204 E204 F227 K166
Thy what gives Jesus,
  Losing us,
  Calling hearts but Thy in up Lord Thee,
O presence Gathered Thee! our sight of to all name, joy
would to the Thee,
Blessed Lord, Father's of the Father's measure,
  Save no love hearts thoughts which love Thee. our with knows treasure
  All Loved
deep in found alone measure
  What delight His His Father rest, His heart joy, His pleasure—
  All Thee. All Thy Thee—
Lord, can in Thy
Thy did beloved upon Son;
Yet Thee for He us set How spare His won. His our life Thee,
  By He was love death not Thee—
name, the Thee joy, O wondrous as singing,
  When to God's bringing
  Sweetest the blest Thou we art!
Thy heart. see music Jesus, Lord
Psalms songs glory, of endless of of Notes joy increasing,
  Through gladness, God's days. day everlasting unceasing,
  Hymns of

Piano Hymns