Into our care did God entrust

NS510 NS510c
Into our care did God entrust
The children, an inheritance,
We must equipped in spirit be,
To match God's heart in shepherding.
To shepherd them, seize every chance,
Impart the faith with diligence;
Build character without delay,
Raise up the vessels of the age.
Enjoy the grace of Christ each day,
Each moment live the God-man way;
For the right timing, watch and pray,
And be good patterns every day.
This crooked age defiled all lands;
The church alone most holy stands.
Coordinate with other saints,
Young vessels unto honor gain.
John T. C. Kan

Chicago, IL, United States

John 3:14 - And as  a Moses  b lifted up the  1 serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up,

John 3:15 - That everyone who believes into Him may have  1 eternal life.

To have the divine life so to be born anew is by believing the raised Son of Man, Jesus Christ.! How marvelous is the gift of believing gift to every mam.

Danica Marie Prado

Pasig City, NCR, Philippines

Thank You Lord, for being a pattern that we can shepherd each other!