the of God mystery Christ is

B427 C593 CB818 E818 G818 K593 P373 R554 T818
made man never invisible, Christ hath Christ Him hath God;
God unshown,
His the mystery image is known. seen,
But of is the Son
is true;
God’s God’s God’s full to Word view. the very explanation God,
He He
And brings is of Christ embodiment image own is
Image fulness in Him,
God’s He God’s glory of testimony bear. God fair;
God’s invisible,
Effulgence dwells doth ever of
made the earth is thru He unshown;
No of Christ,
For now,
But known. see is on to now the man is Him The He man may Church Church myst’ry
is full,
In man see. Church her Christ is bodily;
She her expression dwelleth true,
And His The Himself duplication in may Christ’s
of she, is in self the His The spread;
Christ’s and Body, Christ,
She has Head. His found image Christ her
The Church very to increase the is
Spirit the triune the is,
And Son is Father the Son;
The of her Spirit now one. with the and in in the Thus, Church the God

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Piano Hymns