For my very life art Thou;
Thee I take to all my problems
As the full solution now.
Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me,
In all things Thy will be done;
I but a transparent vessel
To make visible the Son.
Purged from every stain and sin;
May Thy flame of glory now be
Manifested from within.
Let the earth in solemn wonder
See my body willingly
Offered as Thy slave obedient,
Energized alone by Thee.
Girded, waiting Thy command;
Underneath the yoke to labor
Or be laid aside as planned.
When restricted in pursuing,
No disquiet will beset;
Underneath Thy faithful dealing
Not a murmur or regret.
Inclinations put away,
That Thou may for me choose freely
As Thy finger points the way.
Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me,
For my very life art Thou;
Thee I take to all my problems
As the full solution now.
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Dunn Loring, VA, United States
This hymn is so prophetic. How could our dear brother have known that this hymn was expressing exactly what the future held for him as he was to be imprisoned by the Lord in a Communist prison for twenty years. Thank You Lord for such a vessel!
Los Angeles, CA, United States
Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me. In all things Thy will be done!
I am grateful to the Lord Jesus that He can live Himself through me and become my very life!
Saints this is the most amazing thing that can happen to us as humans. Thank You Lord Jesus for revealing such truth to us! Amen! Praise the Lord for the Church which is the Body of Christ!
Labuan, Wilaya, Malaysia
Lord Jesus live Thyself through me and make me a transparent vessel for Your glory. You are the solution to our problem..i love Your self Lord. Put away every stain and sin in me that You may manifested within...Oh Lord Jesus, Hallellujah for Your life Lord..
Lord Jesus, make me a transparent vessel, making You visible in me as a priceless treasure in an earthen vessel.
Masterton, New Zealand
I but a transparent vessel to make visible the Son. In order to make us transparent vessels, we need all the pressing circumstances in our life to realise our utter weakness, that our being in reality would have a divine transfer from the old creation to the new. When we are still expressing ourselves we can't be that transparent vessel expressing Him. We CAN trust Him that much. He is totally sovereign over our lives. Thank You we are in Your loving hands Lord. Our very life art Thou.
Lake Forest, CA, United States
God desires that Christ be expressed through human life. The words of this hymn should be our continual prayer "Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me." May our prayer be according to God's revelation and carry out His desire so that "Christ lives in me" (Gal. 2:20).
"Thee I take to all my problems" as the full solution now. Many years ago a brother shared that we are used to taking our problems to the Lord, but here it says to take the Lord to our problems. That really impressed me and stuck with me. We need to learn to apply the Lord to our situations/problems. He is the Spirit so available to us and ready to apply!
Manila, Philippines
"Girded, waiting Thy command; underneath the yoke to labor or be laid aside as planned." This impressed me. We truly need to wait for the Lord's command, even if it is to be laid aside as planned.
New York City, NY, U.S.A.
Recently I've been experiencing a state of slothfulness in my pursuing of the Lord especially concerning morning revival. The Lord ultimatley had to say "stop working, I will lay you aside for a time." To cover me then said "I am Soveriegn, it is your disposition" I began to feel a little discouraged then this hymn came to my thoughts. I then went on the search engine from this site, found this hymn, opened up my hymnal and began to sing. Stanza 3 says "Every moment, every member, girded waiting Thy command; Underneath the yoke to labor or be laid aside as planned. When restricted in pursuing no disquite will beset; underneath Thy faithful dealing not a murmur or regret." I then considered that this hymn was written by bro. Watchman Nee and realized even a brother whom the Lord used in such a way had this kind of experience. Many times my natural thought misunderstands the Lord, but in reality, His heart is always good toward us. So I just give myself to be simple and be under the Lord's faithful dealing not a murmur or regret through His mercy. Lord Jesus I do love You. We love You, Lord.