For my very life art Thou;
Thee I take to all my problems
As the full solution now.
Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me,
In all things Thy will be done;
I but a transparent vessel
To make visible the Son.
Purged from every stain and sin;
May Thy flame of glory now be
Manifested from within.
Let the earth in solemn wonder
See my body willingly
Offered as Thy slave obedient,
Energized alone by Thee.
Girded, waiting Thy command;
Underneath the yoke to labor
Or be laid aside as planned.
When restricted in pursuing,
No disquiet will beset;
Underneath Thy faithful dealing
Not a murmur or regret.
Inclinations put away,
That Thou may for me choose freely
As Thy finger points the way.
Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me,
For my very life art Thou;
Thee I take to all my problems
As the full solution now.
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Storrs, Connecticut, United States
Many spiritual songs of modern Christianity purport to be love songs to the Lord, but though they are filled with glowing terms of endearment, they are bereft of any genuine depth of commitment. Love is nothing if it does not require the dedication of the lover to the loved one—not an outward demand but an inner constraint generated out of the heart of love. This hymn, written by Watchman Nee, stands in stark contrast to the offerings in many modern Christian songs. The writer deeply experienced the constraining power of the lovely person of the Lord Jesus, and he expressed his profound devotion and allegiance as one who had been smitten with the attractiveness of the Savior. The feeling of the hymn is similar to the thought expressed by the apostle Paul in his second epistle to the Corinthian believers: “For the love of Christ constraints us because we have been judged this, that One died for all therefore all died; and He died for all that those who live may no longer live to themselves but to him who died for them and has been raised“ (5:14-15). Based on his attraction to the Lord Jesus, the writer of this hymn prays with intense longing, “Live Thyself Lord Jesus, through me, / For my very life art Thou. ”
(Affirmation and Critique, April 2001)
Church In Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
This life is the solution to all our problems, we have no say, letting Him call the shots may go against our natural man, but the result is the Glory of oness with Him eternally!
San Marcos, Texas, United States
Thee I take to ALL my problems as the FULL solution now! Hallelujah! Everyday we can apply Him as the all-inclusive Christ to solve our problems and save us from them! He really is our full solution. Amen!
Tirane, Albania
Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me,
In all things Thy will be done;
I but a transparent vessel
To make visible the Son.
May the Lord direct us to what He have for us and we praise Him for being our Sovereign king working all our circumstances together for our good, His children.
May He just continually help us to put away all our inclinations, and help us to take what He wants for us to follow as He points us His way.
Lomé, Togo
Oh Lord, make me a transparent vessel, to make visible the Son.
London, United Kingdom
Live Thyself Lord Jesus through us.
"How can we love You Lord? How can we take care of Your need and Your heart? How can we satisfy You and be well-pleasing to You? by allowing You, even compelling You to live Yourself through us. Lord this day please be pleased to live Your life out from me/us for our very life thou art"
This whole wonderful hymn is a prayer. Lord Jesus, live Yourself through us. Be our very life.
Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Amen, amen dear precious Lord!
Do Live Yourself Through us, we just give Ourselves to YOU.
Praise You as the full solution to every problem
We are just a transparent vessel to make You visible!