Lord, reveal Thyself to me

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Lord, reveal Thyself to me,
That the flesh I'll fully know;
May Thy grace so work in me,
That in dust I'll lowly bow.
How I long for victory,
Yet, thru all my life, how weak!
Evil things I cannot leave,
Nor can do the good I seek.
Inwardly I want the Lord,
But my conduct hateful is;
Though I would, I cannot change,
O what real bondage 'tis!
By God's law my sin's revealed,
But the law of sin doth bind;
Though I struggle to be free,
No release my soul can find.
Many times I fall and rise,
Oft resolve, and often fail;
Craving vict'ry, I retreat,
And my sad defeat bewail.
Truly I am sold to sin
And completely powerless;
There's no good within my flesh,
All is dark and sinfulness.
Now I know myself in part,
And confess my helplessness;
All my temperament is odd,
All my life corrupted is.
Subtle self I cannot trust,
Nor to fleshly strength can cling;
All my trust and all my hope
Is in Jesus Christ my King.
May the Cross put me to death
That on Christ I may rely;
May His Holy Spirit fill,
That Himself I may apply.
May His death so work in me
Daily deeper than before,
That my self may be destroyed
And His life thru me may pour.
O how bitter is my case!
Who this wretched slave can free,
Who deliver from this death,
To a life of victory?
Jesus shed His blood for me,
Christ is now my holiness;
I receive Him as my life
And my portion measureless.
Now I'm wholly sanctified,
Selfless, I obey His word;
Nevermore to feel ashamed
When I come before the Lord.
How transcendent is this life!
Grace thru faith He gives to me!
Praise the Lord, He heard my cry
And has made me wholly free.

York, PA, United States

As I listened to the music and read the words to this powerful hymn all I could do is agree with the words and weep. Knowing full well there is no hope in my flesh. And if there is any hope for help, change and new life that only in the Christ of the Bible, that Holy Son of God, is forgiveness and strength and grace to overcome. Not in me but in Him. He is able to do above and beyond in me and in us what we ask or think. He sees my heart, knows my weakness. Please Lord help me to sin less and love more. One day we will be at Your throne and all I will have to give is my thanks for who YOU are. For in me dwells nothing of merit. Just that You oh Lord in Your grace looked down and sent YOUR ONLY SON to take my place for the sin I am. Thank You, Thank You Amen.