The love of God is greater far

B28 C24 CB28 E28 F4 G28 K24 LSM8 P13 R24 S19 T28
The love of God is greater far
  Than tongue or pen can ever tell.
It goes beyond the highest star
  And reaches to the lowest hell.
The guilty pair, bowed down with care,
  God gave His Son to win;
His erring child He reconciled
  And pardoned from his sin.
O love of God, how rich and pure!
  How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure—
    The saints' and angels' song.
When hoary time shall pass away,
  And earthly thrones and kingdoms fall;
When men who here refuse to pray,
  On rocks and hills and mountains call;
God's love, so sure, shall still endure,
  All measureless and strong;
Redeeming grace to Adam's race—
  The saints' and angels' song.
Could we with ink the ocean fill,
  And were the skies of parchment made;
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
  And every man a scribe by trade;
To write the love of God above
  Would drain the ocean dry;
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
  Though stretched from sky to sky.

Alabama, United States

To Amy from Missouri. The Lord has shown you this love!! He paid your sin debt in full on the cross. We’re all unworthy, that’s part of the beauty of what the Lord Jesus Christ did for us. “For all of sinned and come short of the glory of God”. “There’s none righteous, no not one”. “But, God commendeth His love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us”.

Marita Adams

Georgetown, KY, United States

Words cannot express the love of God. Just look at the cross to know it. Thank You Jesus.


Lagos, Nigeria

Ever since I heard this hymn on the tube, it rested in my soul. The lyrics give deep and vivid description of the love of God to all mankind no matter where they are. The hymn tells how his love reaches to the lowest hell and to the highest sky. This is a deep conviction that God loves me measurelessly and eternally. Thank you Lord 👑 for this immeasurable love. Amen.

Deb Corcoran

Delhi, NY, United States

The last stanzas moves me to tears; beautiful poetry, a beautiful reflection of God the Fathers unending grace to us. Like the parable of the 10 virgins, who were all saved and awaiting the Bridegroom, only 5 were prepared and went…. Christ is coming soon! for His bride, be prepared doing the LORDS business, not being distracted by worldly things surrounding us. Wake up brothers and sisters because the time is at hand. PTL

Ana Lara

Storrs, Connecticut, United States

Frederick Martin Lehman was born August 7, 1868, Mecklenburg, Schwerin, Germany and died February 20, 1953, Pasadena, California. He was buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, California.

Lehman was the husband of Emma Louise Dermyer. He emigrated to America with his family at age four, settling in Iowa, where he lived most of his childhood. He came to Christ at age 11, as he relates:

“One glad morning about eleven o’clock in the morning while walking up the country lane, skirted by a wild-crab apple grove on the right and and the osage fence, with an old white-gate in a gap at the left, suddenly heaven let a cornucopia of glory descend on the eleven year-old lad.

The wild crab-apple grove assumed a heavenly glow and the osage fence and unearthly luster. That old white-elm with its sun-wrapped boards gleamed and glowed like silver bars to shut out the world and shut him in with the ‘form of the fourth, ’ just come into his heart. The weight of conviction was gone and the peans of joy and praise fell from his lips."

Lehman studied for the ministry at Northwestern College in Naperville, Illinois, and served pastorates in Audubon, Iowa; New London, Indiana; and Kansas City, Missouri.

In 1911, he moved to Kansas City, where he helped found the Nazarene Publishing House

The majority of Lehman’s life was devoted to writing sacred songs; his first was written while a pastor in Kingsley, Iowa in 1898. He wrote and published hundreds of songs, and compiled five song books.


Lake Saint Louis, Missouri, United States

Lord, please show me this love. I am desperate to know your love. I sing this song and I ache to feel your love in my heart. I just feel so unworthy and feel like my heart is too broken and my mind is filled with fear. I love you Lord. Please allow my heart to heal so that I can experience your love. Please touch me, Lord.

Esterline Walters

Petit-bourg, Guadeloupe

Oh how I love this hymn! I can never sing it enough knowing that God's love is measureless brings comfort to my soul.

Great lyrics! Imagine the ocean was all ink to write the love of God would drain the ocean dry! Thank you Jesus for loving me 💕

Toni Johnson

Houston, TX, United States

Holy Father, I pray that out of your glorious riches you will strengthen me with power through your spirit in my inner being, so that Christ may dwell in my heart through faith. And I pray that I will be rooted and grounded in love and have power to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. And may I know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge and be filled with all the fullness of you.

Ephesians 3:14-19

Paulette King

Shoreline, WA, United States

I woke up with this hymn in my head. I had to sit down and sing it. I was uplifted and encouraged as I sang it. What a glorious God we have! We will need eternity to know and appreciate such boundless, powerful and endless love of our wonderful God through Christ Jesus our Lord! Praise Him!

Ronica Duffus

Kingston, St. Andrew, Jamaica

I pray that I will love God as He loves us all. My brothers and sisters let us love God with all our hearts minds bodies and souls. We can do so by keeping His 10 Commandments. Not 1 or 9. Not the ones that pleases us or fits our lifestyle. ALL 10. Love and nuff nuff blessings. R. D.

Piano Hymns