What was it, blessed God

B29 C27 CB29 E29 K27 R25 S20 T29
What was it, blessed God,
Led Thee to give Thy Son,
To yield Thy Well-beloved
For us by sin undone?
'Twas love unbounded led Thee thus,
'Twas love unbounded led Thee thus,
To give Thy Well-beloved for us.
What led Thy Son, O God,
To leave Thy throne on high,
To shed His precious blood,
To suffer and to die?
'Twas love—unbounded love to us,
'Twas love—unbounded love to us
Led Him to die and suffer thus.
What moved Thee to impart
Thy Spirit from above,
Therewith to fill our heart
With heavenly peace and love?
'Twas love—unbounded love to us,
'Twas love—unbounded love to us
Moved Thee to give Thy Spirit thus.
What love to Thee we owe,
Our God, for all Thy grace!
Our hearts may well o'erflow
In everlasting praise!
Make us, O God, to praise Thee thus,
Make us, O God, to praise Thee thus
For all Thy boundless love to us.
Stephen Aizon

Glenfield Auckland City, AKL, New Zealand

What love to Thee we owe,

Our God, for all Thy grace!

Our hearts may well o’erflow

In everlasting praise!

Make us, O God, to praise Thee thus,

Make us, O God, to praise Thee thus

For all Thy boundless love to us.

Theresa Surber

Round Rock, Texas, United States

Given the chaos in humanity, it would be reasonable to consider that God's focus in coming would be to fix problems however, this past week in prayer, praise and with others, I realized God motivation in the incarnation and redemption was love. This hymn expresses this beautifully. Thank You dear Father God for Your boundless love to us!

Gen Jungao


Blessed God! Unbounded love has led Thee to give Thy Beloved Son to us! Praise You!

William Jeng

Irvine, CA, United States

Thank You Lord for this boundless love!

Maurice Ward

Columbus, Ohio, United States

Mark 9:12b

And how is it that is written of the Son of Man that He should suffer many things and be counted as nothing?

Twas love—unbounded love to us,

’Twas love—unbounded love to us

Led Him to die and suffer thus.

Sharon Rogers

Brownwood, TX, United States

Perhaps it is because of having to wear hearing aids, but the piano on this site sounds as if is gong rather than a piano, so unless I copy the music by hand, and play it on my piano, I never know what new hymns really sound like. However, the words are marvelous. Praise our our Triune God for His marvelous love and sacrifice.


Praise you Lord so much love Romans 8:39 what love! what depth, what height, nor any other creature! nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our LORD!


Edison, NJ, United States

Oh Lord , thank you for your boundless love!


United States

‘Twas love unbounded led Thee thus to give Thy Well-beloved for us. Hallelujah!!

Danielle K

West Haven, Connecticut, United States

Thank You Father!

Piano Hymns