God has forgiven all my sins

God has forgiven all my sins;
Behind His back they all are cast.
He'll never call to mind again
The sins He vanquished in the past.
God has forgiven all my sins,
And as a gloomy cloud is blown,
My sins are vanished all away!
No more will they be seen or known.
My sins were like a heavy stone
God cast and buried in the sea.
As east so far from west is thrown,
My sins have been removed from me!

Maryland, United States

Isaiah 44:22 (RcV) - I have wiped away, like a thick cloud, your transgressions, / And like a cloud, your sins. / Return unto Me, for I have redeemed you.


Maryland, United States

This hymn is a wonderful collection of points from Bible verses! I especially enjoyed point #8 (below. ) Does anyone have a good verse for point #5 about our sins being blown away like a cloud and disappearing like a vapor?

English Hymn #1355 (From Life Lessons)

Chinese #233, Korean #233 (KGBR hymnal)

Spanish hymnal #140

1. God has forgiven all my sins (我的過犯神全赦免, 내 범한 죄 사면함이) –

Jeremiah 33:8 And I will cleanse them from all their iniquity, by which they have sinned against Me, and forgive all their iniquities, by which they have sinned against Me and by which they have transgressed against Me. (Cf. 1 John 1:7)

Isa 55:7 He will pardon abundantly

2. Behind His back they all are cast (神將我罪丟在背後, 주는 내 죄를 등 뒤에) -

Isaiah 38:17b But You have lovingly delivered my soul from the pit of destruction, / Because You have cast behind Your back / All my sins.

3. He’ll never call to mind again (不再記念,不再追究, 다시 또 살피지 않네) –

Jeremiah 31:34b I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.

Jeremiah 50:20 In those days and at that time, declares Jehovah, / The iniquity of Israel will be sought, but there will be none; / And the sin of Judah, but it will not be found; / For I will forgive those whom I will leave as a remnant.

Isaiah 43:25 I, even I, am He who wipes away your transgressions for My own sake, / And I will not remember your sins.

4. The sins He vanquished in the past (神將我罪踏在腳下, 내 죄를 발로 짓밟고) –

Micah 7:19a He will again have compassion on us; / He will tread our iniquities underfoot.

5. And as a gloomy cloud is blown, (好似厚雲完全消散;猶如薄雲盡都滅沒。구름 사라짐 같게 해; 구름 다 소멸됨 같아. )

Cf. Job 30:15b passes away like a cloud.

Cf. James 4:14b like a vapor, which appears for a little while and then disappears.

6. My sins are vanished all away (我的罪惡神都塗抹) –

Psalms 51:9 Hide Your face from my sins, / And blot out all my iniquities.

7. No more will they be seen or known. (不再看見,不再鑒察。다시 또 살피지 않네)

Numbers 23:21a He has not beheld iniquity in Jacob, / Nor has He seen trouble in Israel;

8. My sins were like a heavy stone/God cast and buried in the sea. (神將我罪投於深海/如石下沉全被淹埋;주는 내 죄를 돌같이/깊은 바다에 던졌네)

Micah 7:19b And You will cast into the depths of the sea / All their sins. (For heavy stone (e. g. millstone) and burial by the covering over of water, Cf. Ex. 15:4-5; Neh. 9:11; Ex. 14:28; Psa. 106:11; Ex. 15:10; Josh. 4:9; Jer. 51:63; Matt. 18:6; Mark 9:42; Luke 17:2; Rev. 18:21)

9. As east so far from west is thrown/My sins have been removed from me! (神叫我罪離開我身,如東離西同樣遠甚. 내 죄를 동이 서에서, 멀듯 떠나게 하셨네)

Psalms 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, / So far has He removed our transgressions from us.

Jean Patience

Kolwezi, Lualaba, Democratic Republic Of Congo

My sins have been removed from me. Glory to the KING JESUS CHRIST.



Thank You, Thank You Jesus!! Praise the LORD :)


Frezno, United States

I love hymnals because it's the best Christian music ever.😇☺😢😃😴😴💖💖💖✌🙇👼😿😺


California, United States

This is the tune for Sometime, Sometime We'll Understand.

Keith Aughenbaugh

Saipan, MP, United States

It reminds me that Our Lord is a forgiving God!