Oh, come, all ye graced ones; break forth with rejoicing

C261 E8261
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Oh, come, all ye graced ones; break forth with rejoicing;
Lift up grateful anthems for rich grace outpoured.
Christ has redeemed you, life divine bequeathed you.

  Oh, come, let's thank our Jesus;
  Oh, come, let's thank our Jesus;
  Oh, come, let's thank our Jesus,
  Our Savior and Lord.
Oh, come, all ye loved ones, standing firm, unshaken,
Laud Him and His boundless love with glad accord!
He's your salvation; you're His habitation.

  Oh, come, extol our Jesus;
  Oh, come, extol our Jesus;
  Oh, come, extol our Jesus,
  Our Savior and Lord.
Oh, come, all ye called ones, shining, holy, glorious,
Come worship the One whose name o'er all has soared!
He's Lord of all things, Highest King o'er all kings.

  Oh, come, let's worship Jesus;
  Oh, come, let's worship Jesus;
  Oh, come, let's worship Jesus,
  Our Savior and Lord.