搜索 23
NT509 A flowing river and a tree 新調
NT535 All things are possible to him 新調
NT496 Christ is the one reality of all 新調
NT560 Come, O Thou Traveler unknown 新調
NT1158 Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus 新調
NT531 Fade, fade each earthly joy 新調
NT531b Fade, fade each earthly joy (Alternate) 新調
NT529 How tedious and tasteless the hours 新調
NT543 I give my heart to Thee 新調
NT523 I have come to the Fountain of Life 新調
NT575 I take Thy promise, Lord, in all its length 新調
NT521 I thank Thee, Lord, that Thou hast shown 新調
NT553 In the secret of His presence 新調
NT525 Jesus, Fountain of my days 新調
NT512 Jesus, Sun and Shield art Thou 新調
NT599 Lord, I was blind; I could not see 新調
NT8409 My Lord and I 新調
NT578 My will is weak, my strength is frail 新調
NT513 Once it was the blessing 新調
NT547 Something every heart is loving 新調
NT498 This is my wonderful story 新調
NT1174 What a victory! What a triumph! 新調
NT545 When this passing world is done 新調