I thank Thee, Lord, that Thou hast shown

LSM144 NT521
I thank Thee, Lord, that Thou hast shown,
  And I begin to see,
What Thou canst be to all Thine own,
  What they may be to Thee;
If only they will yield Thee all,
And trustingly obey Thy call.
How wonderful! I never knew
  That I might trust Thee so;
That Thou wouldst be so much to me.
  In all the way I go,
That every need Thou wouldst supply.
And all my longings satisfy.
I take Thee as my keeper now
  And I commit to Thee
My soul, my way, my works, my cause.
  In Thy sole charge to be;
And my deposit, Thou, I know
Wilt guard secure from every foe.
I take Thee for my peace, O Lord.
  My heart to keep and fill
Thine own great calm, amid earth’s storms
  Shall keep me always still;
And as Thy kingdom doth increase,
So shall Thine ever-deep’ning peace.
I take Thee as my wisdom too
  For wisdom’s sum Thou art;
Thou, who dost choose the foolish things.
  Set me henceforth apart,
That I may speak and work for Thee
As Thou shalt work and speak in me.
I take Thee, Lord, to be my all.
  Since all Thou art is mine;
I nothing have, and nothing am;
  That nothing, Lord, is Thine.
Thou shalt be everything to me
In all things my sufficiency.
Maurice Ward

Irving, Texas, United States

I never really thought of connecting the Lord's coming Kingdom with peace. I am glad that this verse exists. O Lord may I be empty and counted as nothing that nothing may be thine Lord and You as everything to me, in all things my sufficiency.

I take Thee for my peace, O Lord.

My heart to keep and fill

Thine own great calm, amid earth’s storms

Shall keep me always still;

And as Thy kingdom doth increase,

So shall Thine ever-deep’ning peace.


California, United States

And as Thy kingdom doth increase,

So shall Thine ever-deep’ning peace.

Mariegel Dalaguete

Leduc, Alberta, Canada

How wonderful! I never knew

  That I might trust Thee so;

That Thou wouldst be so much to me.

  In all the way I go,

That every need Thou wouldst supply.

And all my longings satisfy.


Baton Rouge, LA, United States

I can release my spirit singing this hidden gem to this new tune. We had to sing it 3 or 4 times for the Lord’s table. The saints kept asking to sing it again.


Malabon, Philippines

If only they will yield Thee all,

And trustingly obey Thy call.


Manila, Philippines

I take Thee as my keeper now

And I commit to Thee

My soul, my way, my works, my cause.

In Thy sole charge to be;

And my deposit, Thou, I know

Wilt guard secure from every foe.

I take Thee for my peace, O Lord.

My heart to keep and fill

Thine own great calm, amid earth’s storms

Shall keep me always still;

And as Thy kingdom doth increase,

So shall Thine ever-deep’ning peace.


Malabon City, Philippines

Thank You Lord, that I can take Thee as my LORD! Lord, I still love You!

Steve Miller

Detroit, MI, United States

What a wonderful experiential hymn. It is so good to be sung to this new tune, as the original tune is dirge-like.


great hymn