搜索 325
NS144 Our spirit is our organ to receive God 新歌
NS508 Precious 新歌
NS56 Rain on me 新歌
NS707 Recover My Heart 新歌
NS81 Reigning life 新歌
NS553 Rejoice in the Lord 新歌
NS325 Rejoice in the Lord always 新歌
NS924 Remain in Christ to Stay in Life 新歌
NS405 Saying, Where is He 新歌
NS786 Seeking the Dazzling One 新歌
NS85 Set your mind on the things that are above 新歌
LB12s Señor te amo a Ti 新歌
NS591 Shepherd the Flock 新歌
LB22 Shepherd, receive man 新歌
NS230 Simply loving everyday 新歌
NS192 Some, these days, would tell us that our Jesus is not food 新歌
NS219 Sometimes we're caught in a world full of baits 新歌
NS216 Speak to me, Lord every day 新歌
NS738 Speak to the rock who was smitten for our full salvation 新歌
NS480 Stone-ify me for Your building 新歌
NS396 Take me Lord, and fill me with Your dear Self 新歌
NS30 Take time to absorb Him 新歌
NS613 Thank You Lord for loving me 新歌
NS888 That Deep Love of Mary 新歌
NS937 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ 新歌