Speak to the rock who was smitten for our full salvation

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Speak to the rock who was smitten for our full salvation!
Sing to the well with a spirit of praise and elation!
Drink the supply from God enthroned, the Most High,
Our inexhaustible portion!
God gave us Christ as the rock of our refuge, our rampart,
Cov’ring from tempests, our strength, our protection, our bulwark!
As we entreat, He is our shield and retreat;
Morning by morning, our safeguard!
God stands on Christ, the cleft rock, His own life to deliver!
He comes as Spirit, refreshing us as the Life-giver!
Our El Shaddai, our all-sufficient supply,
Flows into us as a river!
Christ is unlimited, flowing, our rock of salvation!
Having done all, He’s awaiting our cooperation!
Simply believe! Speak to the rock and receive!
Drink Him with great jubilation!
Our smitten rock has been following us without ceasing,
Ready to flow out, the torrents of God’s life releasing!
Life as a tide streams from the Lord’s wounded side,
Thirst quenching, dryness appeasing!
Life springs from death by the power of Christ’s resurrection!
Baptism into His death brings release and protection!
Subjectively, His cross continually
Deepens the river’s extension!
Dig out the well in the light of the Lord’s inner shining!
Sense the anointing, to His inner feeling aligning;
Prayer after prayer, through the Lord’s leading and care,
Our inward parts He’s refining!
The throne of God is the source of this crystalline river,
Heading us up and renewing us for His good pleasure!
His kingdom come! On earth, His will must be done!
His be the glory forever!
Sing songs of praise to the well, to the Christ we embody!
Drink the one Spirit, as members of Christ’s unique Body!
Thus sanctified, we are prepared as His Bride,
Purified, spotless, and godly!
Out of our innermost being flows rivers of water!
Thus we’re conformed to the Son! What a joy to the Father!
Jerusalem, God fully mingled with man,
Flows forth this river forever!
Justin Auger

Vancouver, BC, Canada

I love you all :)

M Memaw

Hager’s Town, MD, United States

Rock of Ages

Jesus yet says to fall on the rock and be broken

lest it fall on you and grind

you to powder

{Matthew 21. 44}

(I have found a solace there :).


Salem, OR, United States

How solid this rock, how trustworthy and strong! Oh, now this rock is in us flowing!