搜索 4090
E580 Resting on the faithfulness of Christ our Lord 經典詩歌
NS440 Revelation 22:16-17 新歌
NS545 Revelation 3:20-21 新歌
E797 Revive Thy work, O Lord 經典詩歌
E798 Revive Thy work, dear Lord 經典詩歌
E820 Riches of Christ we should enjoy 經典詩歌
NS672 Richly! 新歌
E6805 Ride on, O King Lord Jesus 經典詩歌
NS276 Rise up, my love 新歌
E1358 Rise! Preach the gospel now 經典詩歌
NT251 Rivers of living water 新調
NT1058 Rock of Ages, cleft for me 新調
NS703 Romans 7:19-20; 8:2 新歌
NS617 Roots by the River 新歌
S-T-E-A-D-F-A-S-T 兒童
E679 Safe in the arms of Jesus 經典詩歌
NT378 Savior, lead me up the mountain 新調
NT378b Savior, lead me up the mountain (Alternate) 新調
E390 Savior, lead me, this I pray 經典詩歌
E777 Say to this mountain, Go 經典詩歌
E6827 Say, friend, it's up to you 經典詩歌
NS405 Saying, Where is He 新歌
NS268 Search me, O God, and know my heart 新歌
NT407 Search me, O God, my actions try 新調
Seasons 兒童